How do I get started with the Incurables Program? by mostlysunny ..... Natural Healing & Herbal Solutions w/Unyquity
Date: 5/9/2009 12:27:20 AM ( 16 y ago)
Hits: 2,860
I've been ill for 13 years... First they said it was Fibromyalgia & 9 years later they told me it was Lyme Disease.
I've lost almost everything to being ill this long - my career, went bankrupt, lost my sex drive, lost family & friends, no social life, I don't feel well all of the time, no health insurance, no job, took too many pain meds - just so I could function, too ill to exercise, they refused to give me disability after working & paying social security for 25 years but I was too ill to work, spent $10s of thousands on doctors, I'm broke...
I don't want to live like this anymore.
I looked over Dr. Schulze 's materials but I haven't read any of his books (if there's more than one).
His theories are sound & the more I think about it the more they make sense to me.
I'd like to get started... What do I need to do?
Excuse my language but I'm just tired of all of the BS. I read an interview with Dr. Schulze that you posted here Uny & he's not the most tactful guy but he does make a hell of alot of sense...
What do I need to do to get ready to start the program? I don't know if I believe that this is the only way but it seems worthwhile to try it.
Alot of people with Lyme are really into Dr. Klinghardt's approach - but you have to be rich to do all the stuff he recommends... I believe that ozone saunas, expensive testing for methylation, supplements, genetic testing for phase 1 & 2 liver detoxification, ART testing, homeopathic drainage, FIR (Far-Infrared-Sauna) saunas, chelation, neural therapy, etc., etc., etc. are good but I need a simple way to get better...
There are a multiplicity of toxins, pathogens, chemicals, metals, viruses & they are not going away any time soon. They are spraying us with "stuff" in chemtrails everyday. Doing more & more research, expensive tests, complex vitamin regimens are not going to do it.
I spent thousands & I'm still ill. There has to be a simple, elegant way to do this. Maybe Dr. Schulze 's way is it??? We need to get the organs of detoxification functioning really well. Otherwise, i just don't see how we can beat all of this crap.
Anyway - that's my big rant...
What do I need to do to get things going?
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