Re: Please HELP! What do you think of my cortisol levels? by iloveamma ..... Adrenal Fatigue Forum
Date: 5/3/2009 3:06:08 AM ( 16 y ago)
Hits: 12,231
Only changing your diet is NOT going to work.
I strongly suggest you find a doctor that knows what they are doing. The fact that they do not acknowledge saliva tests is a good sign that they are NOT going to be able to help you.
You need to take meds for adrenal support, but doing it on your own is not a good idea. You need to know WHY your adrenals are fatigued in order to get well.
Last night after talking to an expert I learned that hypothyroid is most often the cause of adrenal fatigue.
Therefore, find a skilled doctor who knows what they are doing.
The man who I feel is the best to help people is
He consults from a distance and I do not urge you to go it alone. Good luck.
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