Update by paganfroglady ..... Animals & Pets Health Support
Date: 5/1/2009 11:53:53 AM ( 16 y ago)
Hits: 42,038
URL: https://www.curezone.org/forums/fm.asp?i=1410054
I took Max to the vet this morning. She acted like her normal self, very happy and energetic. The vet said she looked and acted healthy, and wasn't running a fever. Without her acting like this before, the vet thinks that she somehow injured her tail, and that sometimes dogs will eat their tail if it was injured. She did very well by chewing it off at the joint, so there was no bone sticking out, but there was still exposed tissue. The vet is going to dock her tail some so that it is a nice clean incision and will hopefully heal without infection. They said that the only time they perform surgeries is to spay/neuter, so since she hasn't been spayed they are going to spay her and dock her tail at the same time. She goes in tomorrow morning! Perhaps with her being spayed will help calm her down, spaying was just never an issue because she always ran away from boy dogs when she was in heat (my puritanical dog!) and being almost 7 I thought it was too late to do it.
The clinic staff just loved her, they thought she was so adorable and so happy wagging her stumpy tail. The vet was going to prescribe something called ClomiCalm (or something similar) but I didn't get any when I left so I don't know if I will get it after her surgery? I hate giving unnecessary meds. I am definitely going to look into the flower essences, plus try and get her into the holistic vet in town.
Thank you all so much for your support, that's why I love CZ so much!
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