Re: Both!! by Molly Bloom ..... Oil Pulling & Oil Swishing Forum
Date: 4/30/2009 8:21:07 PM ( 16 y ago)
Hits: 7,022
I think a lot of students have this stuff drilled into their heads and they repeat by rote. Without skipping a beat.
Did you tell her about the gum disease that is seemingly reversed, or is that also disease that is lying dormant to reappear?
My BFF is a medical doctor. I simply cannot believe the crap that comes out of her mouth sometimes, and this is a woman I dearly love and respect. But to her credit, unlike my stupid GP, she does believe that foods and diets do play a part in your health. My GP actually told me that you cannot help any condition with diets. That basically everything that happens to you is genetic, and that's all she wrote folks....can you believe that? Well I'm sure you can, or you wouldn't be here.
There is such a wall between western medicine and what we call natural or alternative (I hate that word). I hope the day comes that anyone practicing healing will completely embrace both disciplines.
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