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Re: Please HELP! What do you think of my cortisol levels? by groove88 ..... Adrenal Fatigue Forum

Date:   4/28/2009 4:55:32 PM ( 16 y ago)
Hits:   12,310

hi there :)

i suffer the same sort of problem as yourself, with other factors like IBS and terrible circulation. Might i advise a book called the sunfood diet by david wolfe, it explains how the body works, what it needs, how conciousness awareness develops. Since i started fasting, and taking herbs ive come a long way with my anxiety problems, and the advice on Barefoots forum is truely amazing. The medical route leads no where but destruction, i no longer go to my doctor for anything unless critical...
Book 1 on barefoots webpage found on his forum is the best written book ever on fasting.. it was originally sourced by the author who healed 63000 people with juice fasting.


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