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Are you prepared for the coming Swine Flu pandemic? by spencerjones ..... Colloidal Silver Forum

Date:   4/25/2009 8:06:29 PM ( 15 y ago)
Hits:   4,192

Hi, Steve Barwick here, for


Well, the story of the hour is the rapidly spreading “swine flu” outbreak, which as of yesterday had infected 120 people in Mexico and killed a whopping 60 of them, and has now infected eight people in the United States, in California and Texas.


Today, the government of Mexico announced that it has as many as 1,000 more suspected cases under surveillance.


What’s more, according to Reuters news service, “Mexico's government canceled classes for millions of children in its sprawling capital city and surrounding areas” due to the outbreak, hoping to contain its spread among the city’s teeming population of 20 million.  Surgical masks in Mexico City are reported to be completely sold out in pharmacies and other venues.


Also according to Reuters news agency, “California's top health officials said on Friday the state expects to find more cases of the new strain of flu that has killed up to 60 people in Mexico and infected eight in the United States, calling the outbreak still ‘largely a mystery.’”


What makes the story particularly frightening is that the flu strain -- which has somehow magically managed to jump from pigs to humans, if we are expected to believe the health authorities – is, according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control, a hybrid virus composed of an avian (i.e., “bird flu”) strain, two swine strains, and a human strain


Not only that, but the two swine strains are from European and Asian swine, rather than from American swine.  Yet somehow these three disparate and completely incompatible flu strains melded together, and leaped over to the United States and Mexico.    


If it sounds to you like something that could only have been concocted in a research laboratory, then you have company.  Dr. Rima E. Laibow, MD, Medical Director of the Natural Solutions Foundation, agrees.  In an article entitled, “Smoking Gun:  New Deadly Virus Has Gene Sequences Never Seen Before,” she writes, “Genes do not ‘pop up’ out of nowhere.  We believe this is a bioengineered weapon.


Former U.S. Army Major General Albert N. Stubblebine III, who was the commanding general of the Army Intelligence and Security Command from 1981 to 1984, and is now president of the Natural Solutions Foundation, has stated, “We must assume the forces at work will indeed produce what world health officials have called the inevitable pandemic.”


The World Health Organization said today it was ready to use “rapid containment measures” if needed, including antivirals, and that both the United States and Mexico are well equipped to handle the outbreak. 


Are they talking about forced vaccinations?  Or just treating thousands upon thousands of new victims of this strange and deadly virus with drugs like Tamiflu, which have already been demonstrated to be ineffective against bird flu and useless against other flu strains?


I don’t know if this strange new mutant flu outbreak will indeed turn into the global pandemic the news media has been warning about for several years now.  What I do know is that sometimes we get early warnings like this, which give us a little bit of time to prepare.  Preparation is nine-tenths of successful survival. The other one-tenth is correctly putting your preparations to work when the time is right.


If you have not yet purchased a Micro-Particle Colloidal Silver Generator for your family, so you can make all of the fresh, high-quality micro-particle colloidal silver you’ll need, any time you need it, you might want to consider doing so now.  As you know, colloidal silver is widely known as the world’s most powerful natural antibiotic, and it’s profound antiviral qualities have also been repeatedly demonstrated in medical studies.  


You can order a new Micro-Particle Colloidal Silver Generator online at  Or you can order by phone Monday through Friday at 1-888-528-0559.  We have one of the fastest shipping departments in the business, so if you order quickly you can expect your new generator inside of a week. 


But please, don’t wait too long to order. It is Friday night as I write this email, and already the uptick in online orders has begun.  People know something strange is going on, and they want to make sure their families are protected. 


We have only 500 of the new Micro-Particle generators in stock right now, and this email is going out to over 5,500 people.  Once those 500 units are gone, it will take us at least 30 days to re-stock.  Forewarned is forearmed.



Steve Barwick


P.S.  Less than a month ago, the pharmaceutical giant Baxter “accidentally” sent flu vaccines to 18 eastern European countries which were contaminated with highly infective and quite deadly live Avian “Bird Flu” virus.  A fortunate test by one of the receiving labs in the Czech Republic discovered that the vaccines were contaminated, and alerted global health authorities, preventing a global catastrophe.  And what followed?  No criminal investigation…no firings…nothing.  When you consider the fact that Baxter was applying for a license to sell their new Avian Flu vaccine against the same strain found in the vaccines in the very same 18 countries, many people say it is hard to dismiss the incident as “accidental.”  


P.P.S.  I’ve been working on an article on Colloidal Silver and Viruses for some time now, but I’m afraid it won’t be ready for another few weeks.  However, here’s a sneak preview of what’s coming.  As you’ll see, medical science has amply demonstrated that as long as the silver particles are small enough, silver completely inactivates the ability of viruses to bond with human cells, thus stopping the spread of infection. 


That’s why I urge you to get a brand new Micro-Particle Colloidal Silver Generator as quickly as possible. Here’s an excerpt from the coming article, which I’ll alert you to once it has been finished and published on the Colloidal Silver Secrets blog:


In June 2005 The Journal of Nanobiotechnology, published a ten page study that rocked medical science.


The study was the result of seven scientists’ exploration into the virus inhibiting qualities of nanosilver – very tiny, invisible particles of silver measured in nanometers.  (A nanometer is one-billionth of a meter, or one-ten thousandth of a hair’s breadth.)


What the study demonstrated is that these tiny nano-particles of silver were able to inhibit HIV-1 (i.e., the AIDS virus) from binding to host cells, in vitro.  


What this means is that in the test tube, when they placed the AIDS virus alongside human cells in a medium that would normally allow the virus to bind with the cell (and thus cause viral infection), the introduction of tiny particles of silver into the medium prevented the binding from taking place.


In other words, the silver particles stopped the infection from happening.


The study abstract reads as follows:




The interaction of nanoparticles with biomolecules and microorganisms

is an expanding field of research. Within this field, an area that has been largely unexplored is the interaction of metal nanoparticles with viruses.


In this work, we demonstrate that silver nanoparticles undergo a size-dependent interaction with HIV-1, with nanoparticles exclusively in the range of 1–10 nm attached to the virus.


The regular spatial arrangement of the attached nanoparticles, the center-to-center distance between nanoparticles, and the fact that the exposed sulfur-bearing residues of the glycoprotein knobs would be attractive sites for nanoparticle interaction suggest that silver nanoparticles interact with the HIV-1 virus via preferential binding to the gp120 glycoprotein knobs.


Due to this interaction, silver nanoparticles inhibit the virus from binding to host cells, as demonstrated in vitro.


While silver’s well-known toxicity to a wide range of microorganisms has been thoroughly documented in previous research by many leading research facilities -- including the Department of Materials Science, Faculty of Science, Kanagawa University, Japan – this study takes the previous research to a whole new level.


For the first time, the long-proven antimicrobial properties of silver nanoparticles were applied to a highly infectious form of virus with no known cure.   And the interaction between the metallic particles, the virus and the cells were studied.


The scientists tested a variety of particle sizes.  And they also tested the idea of coating the tiny silver particles with several different surface chemistries including a “foamy carbon matrix,” a polymer and a protein molecule.  The goal was to determine if any of these substances would help stabilize the silver particles and aid the silver’s anticipated reaction with the virus.   


What they discovered, however, is that only the ‘free surface’ silver nanoparticles in the range of 1 to 10 nanometers interacted with the HIV-1 cells.


Silver Nanoparticles Rule!


This basically means the silver needed no help from the other substances.  In fact, anything added to the basic silver nanoparticle served only to prevent the metal’s interaction with the viral microorganism!


The study goes on to explore the interaction between the silver nano-particles and the virus using high angle annular dark field (HAADF) scanning transmission electron microscopy.


The large difference in the atomic number between the organic matter and the silver nanoparticle allows for high contrast and an effective analysis technique. (Kelly, that sentence needs to be put in plain English.)  This made it plain that the size of the nanoparticle was the crucial factor, as no particles greater than 10 nm interacted with the virus.


In other words, only the very smallest silver particles inactivated the virus’ ability to bond with the host cells.  Larger particles did not.  


Ultimately the study found that the smallest silver nanoparticles bound to the viral microorganisms and prevented the virus from bonding with the host.


P.P.P.S.  Two highly respected researchers, Dr Eric Gordon, MD and Dr. Kent Holtorf, MD, writing in the prestigious Townsend Letter for Doctors, also believe silver is the answer to the upper respiratory viral infections such as the flu, including deadly multiple drug-resistant flu strains that are likely to be involved in a global pandemic. 


They point out that “the collective authoritative medical literature has documented efficacy of silver's virotoxicity against over 24 viruses,” and that "oligodynamic silver" (i.e., a medical reference to silver being extremely powerful even in small quantities) is likely going to be the answer to any future global viral pandemic.


This is why I strongly urge you to get a Micro-Particle Colloidal Silver Generator as quickly as possible.  Having the means of colloidal silver production at your fingertips puts you in the driver’s seat, and gives your family an added layer of protection against infectious disease, whether there is ever a flu pandemic, or not. 


The Colloidal Silver Secrets blog documents numerous ways to use colloidal silver against infectious illness and disease.  Being able to make all of the high-quality micro-particle colloidal silver you could ever need for about 36 cents a quart (rather than paying up to $30 for a tiny four-ounce bottle in health food stores, that would likely sell out overnight anyway, in the event of a pandemic) should give you a powerful feeling of self-reliance and peace of mind, knowing that if medical authorities lose control during a national or global health crisis, you’ll be ready to take care of your family.



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