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I have some answers :) Re: I have some questions please.. by unyquity ..... Natural Healing & Herbal Solutions w/Unyquity

Date:   4/19/2009 8:04:20 AM ( 16 y ago)
Hits:   2,152

Howdy Anne33! (it sure seems funny calling you by an ID instead of your real name! but I'm thrilled to see your post!!)--

Folks get ready for an *info bomb* here!  But first a word of explanation:  I have been assisting Anne33 for around a year, and although her post is very long & full of information, there's no way it can encompass over a year's worth of information.  And I'm a bit between a rock & a hard place, because I am a STICKLER for not sharing private medical/person issues publicly...but there are a few things she's already mentioned, that need elaborating.

--Anne33 has been through a VERY long brutal year of benzodiazepine withdrawal.  This class of insidious drugs (Xanax, Klonopin, Ativan, Valium) are likely the the worst addictive drug known to man.  Getting off them (and most addictions ARE iatrogenic - caused by doctors), makes getting off of heroin look like a day at Disneyland.  The process is mercilessly slow (cutting the dose by a tiny percent every 2 weeks) and each cut in dose brings on yet another wave of ferocious withdrawal symptoms (both physical & mental).  I totally applaud and respect Anne33 for getting off these drugs - she's done what many people can NEVER find the strength to do.  (Lol, but because of this, I know how strong she really is, or can be when she applies herself...and she still has a lot of battles to fight before winning the war).  "Applying ourselves" in the midst of life and confusion about alternative/natural medicine - 'tis likely the biggest challeng most of us face. 

In Anne33's case, during this past year of savage withdrawal issues, she's been learning as much as she can about Dr. Schulze & Co, but unable to do even the most basic of protocols.  Why? Two basic reasons: 1) She has a 'double whammy' issue - because her liver is SO incredibly compromised and sick she is now HIGHLY reactive to hundreds of foods & herbs (very typical for advanced liver issues) - and she's had more minor allergies for a very long time besides.  Because of her past benzodiazepine usage and recent withdrawal, her GABA receptors (the natural "calming" receptors for every part of the body), are broken down, and cannot calm her normally/naturally. So she's both highly reactive to a zillion substances AND her bodies naturally calming mechanisms are damaged During the withdrawal, she was unable to use IF#2 (because the bentonite/charcoal adsorbed too much of the benzo, causing overrapid withdrawal)..and 2) because of all the issues in "1", she's been desperately trying to find/use ANYTHING that will calm her system and relieve symptoms...and virtually all the supplements, OTCs & pharmaceuticals have given her some relief, but with each dose they have further compromised her liver & health.

When Anne33 and I initially met, I immediately recognized her symptoms as 'benzo tolerance withdrawal' (going into extreme withdrawal while still taking the benzo), but it's sometimes impossible to know what physical symptoms are "real" and which are caused by drugs.  We knew she had fatty liver, likely flukes and gallbladder issues, and her gallbladder was extremely painful.  As she's said, she had her gallbladder carved out unneccesarily...and just like is typical, it didn't resolve a thing :(  I've been harping for a year "do the whole program!", but do to many reasons that's never happened.  One of those reasons is her 'reactivity' to various herbs/foods, the other is that the bentonite/charcoal in the IF#2 would have adsorbed the benzo, throwing off her precariously balanced withdrawal.

Anyway, what Anne33 is dealing with now, is the result (partially because of the benzos) of many lifestyle choices AND not having any idea that 'eating healthy' (she's a great "scratch" cook and gardener) isn't healthy at all...and the compilation of everything has her in a crisis.  One she's 'out of crisis' just a little bit more, she's either going to do  'full program' (with the necessary adjustments for her 'reactivity')...OR lol, I'm gonna kick her butt!  ("outloud", in public, right here on this forum! :)  Onward:

(note: when I got to the end of this, I see that the reason Anne33 hasn't flushed yet is because she was waiting on the Liver/Detox Tea..I had NO idea - and I'm not going to go back now and try to find all the sentences in it that told her to FLUSH NOW!).  And just fyi: the Liver Detox Digestion tea is NOT necessary for a successful liver flush - it's nice afterward to calm/soothe the tummy/digestion and to cleanse out the digestive tract and do a bit of "TLC" for the liver)

I have been on the sidelines reading this forum for a few days ..
Unyquity has been working with me for almost a year now..
first getting off the benzos and now..well tryig to get my liver cleaned out. And your WHOLE body healed, not just your liver...because you can't just heal one organ and expect to be healthy! right? right :) ugh ..and she has had her hands full LOL.. I have tried so many bandaids it ain't even funny ..
I have really been a handful for her I can say...
bless her soul ..shes been woderful though ... she gives me tough love too when I need it...LOL..
I have no faith in the doctors out there either :::grin::: I am going to hold you accountable to those words, for sure AND for certain! .. they are just pill pushers..and have done nothing to help me and say I shouldn't be having pain ..well duh!! I am !!oh just thinking bout it makes me angry.. deep breath now ! Let it out, try not to be angry - they've been duped even MORE than the rest of us :(

anyways I am attempting a juice fast .. this will be my 6th day cause I am not counting Sat night.. I have had a slip up but for the most part I have stuck to it very well considering how much I love to eat...and I am craving a big tater with real butter and have been ever since I started this fast.. I think my doctor within is telling me something.. of all things to crave huh? From what I see below (about only juicing 2 qts a day, when you need twice that much), your doctor within isn't telling you need a tater, it's tell you need MORE JUICE.  When we first learn to juice fast, our mind screams food at us...but that's just our mind.  Everytime you get hungry or have a 'mind scream', drink more juice or potassium broth (recipe here: or ANY kind of broth.  I can't afford to buy organic potatoes & carrots and just use the peelings (leaving the veggies without SKIN for juicing - the skin is the good part).  So we make ours of chopped beets, some potatoes, some carrots, onions, garlic and a LOT of dark leafies (must now be organic, as all dark leafy greens are now irradiated :(  I like kale & spinach & parsley.  Whenever you get the "food scream", grab a jar of juice and cup of warm broth...and start thinking of how wonderful it is to be breaking your dependence upon food, and learning how to juice fast.  It's THE best therapy in our arsenal...and it's FANTASTIC to know that we can go places to visit/shop, and not have to be worried about 'eating poison'.  We just take a cooler wherever we go with a few jars of fresh juices - and we're good to go :)

I have fatty liver and liver pain,gastritis, and I cannot take the superfood cause I am sensitive to it or just maybe it detoxes me way too fast for my body to keep up. so now what do I do ?? my my The one teaspoon of Superfood you've been trying to take isn't "detoxing" your body - you're simply reactive.  But I'm glad you bring that up!  "Detoxing" is what happens when we do a protocol that 'detoxes' or organs, body or cells.  'Tis VERY rarely a food or simple herbal combination causes "detoxing".

can't take milk thistle either causes my bp to shoot up and my chest to get tight.. epsom salts does me the same way too..these are reactions; they will go away when you get your liver cleansed and the rest of your system healed.

Been told I have leaky gut/candida issues ..IF#2 heals leaky gut; IF#2 + garlic will knock out the candida (IF you do it regularly and long enough, as part of a whole program)
I have lots of allergies/sensitivities and that I feel hinders me from doing the program right..We can (and are) adjusting the program to accomodate this...heavy liver work at the beginning.  You need to start your liver flush series "yesterday".
the benzos really wrecked my system and liver ..It got to where I couldn't even go outside without having a reaction...ugh ..I thought at one time I was doomed to die with this..but much better now..You're only "doomed" if you don't do what it takes to NOT be doomed.  YAY
I am 39 with a long history of alcohol use also ..I also have a hubby that would drink every day if I would let him...he is my bad influence.. ( big sigh)and I am weak at times...everyone I love and hang out with drinks!!We all have a choice, we can be a sheep (and get slaughtered by the wolves along with the rest of the sheep, thinking it's better to be slaughtered than to be without the rest of the sheep), or we can be a shepherd, and lead the rest of the sheep to safety while we take ourselves there.  It's a choice. yours. 
I also quit smoking 4 years ago (yay) Yay is right....but um...??? ALL forms of nicotine?
I feel like I am parasite infected..Most of us are/were - I recall you were told you had flukes by someone.  It's very likely with all your digestive issues that you're full of creepy critters.

sometimes I wake up and have bronchitis symptoms which I haven't noticed since being on fast.. yay double yay!
I now noticed a cyst or something on my right foot when I started to do the reflexology ...darnit I noticed that last night.. now what is up with that? parastites is my guess..Whatever it is, it'll go away as you stay on the program and heal your body...FANTASTIC you're doing the foot reflexology!!!

I am currently trying the Schulze 5 day cleanse you mean the 5 day liver cleanse/flush drink. at the moment but I haven't got the anti-parasitic tonic yet but I do have wormwood/black walnut tincture would that work for now? You can use the wormwood/black walnut...and LOTS of garlic and cayenne powder. (The cayenne powder will help HEAL your stomach/intestinal issues...even though it causes burning until you get used to it). The Liver/GB parasite tinture has tons of milk thistle. geezzzz I hope I can take that without a reaction. You can also eat pumpkin seeds, fennel and cloves for parasites...but garlic is the bomb for liver flukes.  When juice fasting, just soak the seeds in water overnight, and add them to the produce in your juicer.
I got the detox tea today ..yay..thanks Uny..wil get that check mailed out to ya monday ok That's fine, but this is a GREAT time to point this out to EVERYBODY.  Yes, we DO ship products the day/after we get your order, even if you're going to send a check and it's not going to arrive for several days.  That's because we're trusting and we care about your health.  But I know of NO other person or company on the internet that will do this.  What we expect (and need, actually) - is that when you receive notification of shipment and a tracking number, that you care as much about us as we care about you...and you send your check the same day/after that we send your product.  We think that's more than fair :)

been juicing about 2 quarts daily ..'needs to be a gallon.
there is also no way that I can possibly afford all the fruits and veggies to juice 1 gallon a day ..and I havent even made any potassium broth yet... organic is so expensive down here too.. I have already spent $80 this week on stuff to juice and I am already bout out Nobody understands more than us - we had less than $8,000 of taxable income last year.  But we've juice fasted together twice in the last 6 months (once for 25 days and once for 14..and it costs about $300 a week). You're supposed to juiceing a LOT of cabbage juice for your tummy...cabbage isn't very expensive at all. It comes down to priorities for most of us (there are some RARE occasions when folks are out of work and not able to pay their utilities and such).  Anne33 - if your daughter was laying in the hospital and her doctor told her she HAD to have a decent juicer and you had to come up with $250 for the juicer and another couple of hundred bucks for produce, or she'd get sicker?  I know you, and I know you'd come up with it somehow.  Here you are 'baked tater screaming in your mind', in pain and juice fasting - and you're not getting HALF the benefit out of the whole process that you could be.  You'll get MUCH more juice out of the produce with a good juicer and much more nutrition too (MUCH more).  You'd make it happen for your daughter or your husband...well, you would if you believed it would help them to be healthy.  You can make it happen - I know you can figure out something.  The good juices will make nut butters, frozen deserts, pasta and juice leafy greens with a super high yield.  PLEASE take the time to check out EVERY link in this: Especially read the note where Dr. Gerson said his cancer patients got NO better using a centrifugal juicer.. Ya know, if you ignore your health, it WILL go away! :( I have been drinking yerba mate tea to as it is supposed to have loads of vit/minerals and amino acids in it..and since I can't do superfood well I figured that would be a decent substitute ..gotta do what I can with the budget I have got ya know I just want to make sure you're doing the BEST you can with the budget.  If your daughter was sick and in pain, I bet you could get your hands on some of hubby's 'beer money', I bet you could cut your normal grocery budget (the family can have a few healthy inexpensive meals a week, that'd save a bunch a month), blah, blah, etc etc.  Take care of YOU...not just everybody else!!!

I do have IF#1 and IF#2 and have been taking that also..
started out taking 5 tsp charcoal daily but do I combinthat with the IF ? do I continue while on the 5 day cleanse thing?I also go my charcoal for poulice today ..gonna try that tonight instead of castor oil pack. Yes, add 1 teaspoon of activated charcol to every heaping teaspoon of IF#2 (5x daily). Yes, along with what you're already doing.  Be sure to post how that went (the charcoal poultice on the liver) - you may not feel anything different at all initially (and maybe nothing related to your liver), but it WILL give your liver some much needed support, and that might make you feel a lot better (even though you may not attribute the 'feeling better' to the charcoal poultice)

Oh yeah the pupils of my eyes have yellow spots on them..kinda weird looking I must eyes are normally green/hazel .will be glad when they return back to normal as it makes me look sickly .. well duh my doc within says I am sick !! Yer doc is right!  Your eyes will return to normal as you start getting better.  Doc Christopher/Schulze have a super Eyewash tincture (both for washing your eyes with and taking internally).  Unless your vision is getting really bad, you need to spend the money on juicing and a good juicer.

I have had my gallbladder out last August and I wish I didn't it didn't relieve my pain at all... it was scarred up pretty bad though but no stones.(I have done the clark flush before ).. so I wonder how productive the flush will be with a clogged up liver ..
I am hoping the castor oil packs will help loosen some of that up.As we've talked about, there are a LOT of people that don't get out ANYTHING with their first few flushes.  The coffee enemas, castor oil, and morning flush drink have helped to get things loosened up.  It's time for you to start flushing.  Tell us when your first flush is going to be (I've been waiting to hear this now for almost a week ???)

also I can't take epsom does the same thing that the other stuff does to me..I do want to get over all this and feel back to noraml.! I know it is gonna take time but the changes I have made already are helping and its a far cry from what I used to do to my body (smile) You're getting there!  You're not going to undo several decades of damage in a couple of weeks. I know you're feeling better than you were last week!  I sent your Dr. Schulzes liver flush protocol without Epsom Salts; 'time to get 'er done, lady :)

I have managed to come offthe benzos,(valium) bp meds and nexium for stomach this past year so I feel I am headed in the right direction...meds do not do well with my body either.and benzos can make you hypersensitive to many things as I found out and who knows how long that will last.. it took me 6 long months to come of them evil pills and I suffered greatly and feel if I can do that ..well I can do anything or what it takes..I have had this pain in my right side now for about 8 years...ugh...with no diagnosis but fatty liver and that was last year ..hep panel is negative also...liver is 4cm larger than what it should be and majorly clogged I think...You're DEFINITELY on the right track - you're going to have to stick with this (and have faith it'll work) just like with the benzos.  Only for this, you have to DO stuff, not just stop doing stuff.  If you can handle the benzo w/d, you can do ANYTHING!  I KNOW YOU CAN!!!  I just don't know if you will do more than 'get yourself out of the weeds' and then go back to 'normal'.  I sure hope you'll do it!!

Also I wanted to say that the first couple of days on the fast the swelling/edema went way down only to come back on me again and badly .. hands and belly swelled out there ain't pretty I tell ya..
I do feel it is the sugar from the fruit juice I Have been ingesting cause last year before I had GB out I went on a no sugar,no gluten, no processed food diet and my swelling went away and I lost 30 pounds in 2 months..I still have 50 to go though!my metabolism is not what it should be at all..
So far I have only lost 4 pounds (sad) 4 pounds in 6 days and you're sad? and I feel like a swelled up balloon. I know I have candida issues ,toxic liver,hence the allergies I have got and lord knows what else but I feel I am at the right place to get help..IF#1 (enough to make you go 3x daily, no excuses; IF#2 to heal your gut; garlic to kill the candida; cayenne powder to heal and restore circulation; juice fasting (more juice); castor oil packs, activated charcoal poultices...LIVER FLUSHING ASAP.  Drinking a few cups of parsley tea will likely help any edema - give that a try :)
I know Unyquity has her plate full now with all she is doing .. so here I am folks ... and I need some help!
I know bits and peices of what I need to be doing I just need help putting it all together..
natural healing is the way to go thats for sure ..YOU CAN DO IT!!


also wanted to mention that before I had gallbladder out and I was on the natural diet sugar ,no yeast/gluten and such ..I would like to mention a no sugar, no gluten diet is not "natural" (although it may be therapeutic for some). I was doing coffee enemas daily for the pain and it took it away (the pain) and I felt much better...And you're back on the CEs now - keep doing at LEAST one a day!  And do TWO the day after your upcoming liver flush.

Just to mention ..I made some of the liver detox/digestion tea (only used a tsp) and that stuff smells like potpourri !! I am not kidding!!and not bad to the taste.. anyways it is now making my side hurt again..
could it be trying to detox my liver and it can't keep up? The herbs in the Detox tea have a bit of effect on your liver; sweety at this point with your liver being as trashed and clogged as it is, virtually everything you eat & drink will cause some stress on yer poor swollen/clogged liver.  This is not called "detox". (I'm not cranky, there's just SO many people that attritube everything to "detox"...and that makes the world of natural health and healing 'look bad' - so I'm always going to harp on that :)


Howdy Wings!


 thanks for the warm welcome .. :)

I do feel overwhelmed and just tired of feeling like crap too..and being in pain

I do drink lots of water ..people poke fun at me all the time for carrying round my big water mug but I am used to drinking water and I stay thirsty all the time anyways ..I would be parched without it thats for but the only filter I have is the pur filter on my faucet..I have access to the cha water.. have you heard of that before? its suposed to be really good for you and its about $8 for 5 gallons I think..I used to get it..its suposedly got lots of oxygen in it and no flouride..I know I need to get a distiller as much as I drink but  just haven't got around to it I said I am much to do and so much to buy ... sighAnne33!  You have GOT to be drinking distilled water, and not that toxic crap out of your faucet.  You don't need a distiller, just go get some distilled water at the store (or reverse osmosis filtered).  You need the water, but your're poisoning your body and stressing your liver with every ounce you drink. :(  Without RO or distilled, you're sucking in fluoride (which we're ALL getting too much of in our showers!).  Distilled or RO only.

Every time I have labs done my sodium has always been on the low side even though I eat lots of real salt (sea salt) Labwork doesn't prove 'didley' when your body/liver is as compromised as yours...all they prove is that your body is "off".

My good cholesterol is also too low and has been the past few years ..I have dry eyes that hurt sometimes too.. I know the liver makes cholesterol but all other tests are normal and it puzzles me as to why I can't get mine up .. I am at increased risk for heart attack and stroke cause of it ..   I know some might say screw the tests ..they don't matter anyways but I worry about it .. more than I should I guess.. and sometimes I worry that I might have glaucoma cause of the eye pain/pressure I have..:::BIG sigh:::  Because your liver is trashed and your body is compromised.  Heal your body and cleanse your liver (and get rid of the critters), and you'll feel so good you'll FORGET to go to the doctor. :)

I know what u mean about the brain going off onto rabbit trails :) mine does it all the time .. I was terrible when I was coming off the benzos..I couldn't remember anything at all .. I thought I was getting alzheimers which runs in the family by the way..

My schedule is this right now..

 when I wake up I take off castor oil pack.. drink some lemon water ..then my juice .IF#2 and charcoal. then do coffee enema ..fill up my water mug and then get ready to go to work.when I get home I make another pint of juice .take IF#2 and charcoal ,drink more juice ,IF#2 and charcoal, more juice ,IF#2 and charcoal..nightly coffee enema and castor oil pack..I clean other peoples houses so I can go to work at my convenience most of the time.. I am around different household chemicals though and I don't like that at all. I have replaced the ones I use with natural cleaners but with some people they gotta have the hard stuff like bleach cleaners and such..  big sigh...  You're supposed to be taking jars of juice with you to work.  You can't expect your body to run properly (let ALONE heal you) if you're running low on fuel.  Girlfriend, you're sabotaging your own health

I am doing this so I can be home with my daughter of an evening and the money is really good for the hours I work.. so for that I am grateful..:)

 Anyways .. what is it that you think I should be doing exactly ?The liver flush you've been talking about for so long.

going off juice fast and starting with the IF #1 and #2 and liver flushing ? I don't know .. my mind is so frazzled I don't know where to begin..its not feezable for me to stay on juices for long due to budget..but I do have veggies in my freezer from garden last season and brown organic rice and we get all our beef free from the family and it is grass fed organic at that we have beef a lot round here... I know a lot of people don't recommend meat and that is not good for you but when its given to you and you need to make supper then what do you do? without..? my hubby is  a big meat eater( I am working on that).I just can't make a pot of soup and call it supper ..he has to have his meat.. and my body type does well with some meat and lots of veggies ( and I do love my veggies),just not fruits and carbs..does that make any sense? they bloat me up.. possibly from the candida I don't know but my hands swell up and I retain all sorts of fluids.. I done really good on the no sugar,no fruits,no gluten,no processed, food diet and lost 30 pounds and felt much much better/had no pain and I am thinking that would be better for me to start with than like you said trying to do too much too fast....but I don't want Uny to be upset with me(sorry Uny I love you! ) and think I won't do what it takes cause I will if indeed thats what it takes ... I definately want to know her opinion  and see if she agrees with me..anyways.. I am leaving the alcohol alone ..I can't say forever right now but I am taking it one day at a time cause I know I can never get better while ingesting posion into my system.. I wished I wasnt so wishy washy.. I need to get healed already !!  If you really want to stop being wishy-washy, then STOP!  NO MEAT!  NOT UNTIL YOU'RE HEALED!  You can have steamed/raw veggies, an occasional baked potato, very small helpings of WHOLE grains...but for every meal you eat that's not juice, your body is spending energy to digest it, that could be being spent healing you.  That's not "frazzling", that just tough because you're SO conditioned to want to do it.  Let's get that liver flush done asap.

I do need peace and structure and solid ground! howd you know? lol.... I spend a lot of my time and energy helping and doing for others and have neglected to take care of myself and my poor body is suffering from it greatly ... I am way overdue for an overhaul.. LOL.. I currently play softball though so that is good exercise for me... and I just got done working in the garden earlier today and I think I gotta little too much sun as my face is kinda red..trying to get everything planted that we can before it rains again..I know what it feels like to spend time helping others and ignoring my own health...I also know when 'enough is enough'.  Anne33...right now for you ENOUGH IS ENOUGH, gal.  'Ain't nobody gonna take care of you, but YOU.  You wanna be around to help your kids and others (and to teach others about natural healing) - you HAVE to walk the walk.  I know you can do it, I know you can.

liver flushing is what I definately need to be doing ya think? ...along with the castor oil packs and coffee enemas and colon cleansing/parisite cleansin.. I agree totally with that ...and have no problems doing it..and juice fasting for short periods like 7 days or 2 days a week I could do but buying all that stuff to juice is not cheap at all and I really would like to spend a little $ and get a good juicer and a distiller as I have always wanted one of those.. I know if I was in a life or death situation I would do it somehow though what makes you think it's not a life or death situation?  Your liver is swollen clogged and congested, you've been in horrible pain, you're clogged with so much cholesterol your eyes have yellow in them; racy heart, high bp, ultra reactive to foods...'sounds pretty d*mned serious to me! .. my doctor within is speaking to me and saying to do what works for me ..or that is what I am feeling .. noone knows what they are capable of until they do it thats for sure.. I never thought I could ever go this long without food but I've been doing it..and with all that I am doing I am still having pain in my right side!! what now? I think I need a flush ... gonna do that tomorrow for sure..will post my results..  you have any hints for me to make it more successfull ?Lots of ginger juice to preven nausea and to assist the flush!  You're REALLY gonna do it?  GOOD FOR YOU!   And seriously GOOD FOR YOU for doing SO good on this juice fast!

Chinese proverb that I came across goes like this..

those who say it cannot be done should not interrupt those who are doing it! AMEN!

that is so true....  Another thing that is so true (from Schulze): "I learned one thing in all those years in my clinic...sympathy never healed ANYONE!".  So don't think I'm beating you up, I just know that helping you to 'do it', is better than giving you a teddy bear and a pity party! :)


Well anyways .. I do need some feedback and suggestions here .and if Uny says perservere and march on with the fast then I suppose I must . I can't take an overload of info though..that stresses me out and fries my brain.. I still have problems with stress after benzos... trying to do too much always gets to me.. I wish I wasn't like that  (sigh)I really do.. my mom shoul've whopped my butt and made me do even when I didnt want to and I wouldn't be like I am today...LOL  I used to be a go getter though..I really I feel so lazy and have days where I just ain't worth killin as they say...

 I don't have the energy to do much .. It comes in spurts with me ,thats all I get .. and when its gone I just wanna lie down and rest.. (sigh) ...

unless I take superfood and then my chest gets tight and I am wired to the max!!!!  DETOX reaction I assume NOT detox, just one of your reactions... I really wish I could take the stuff and be normal ... why can't I be normal?Truth.  Every action has an equal and opposite reaction.  The condition of ALL of our bodies is directly related to whatever we've eaten, done, ingested and how we've lived.  The cool thing (that a TRUE miracle, if ever there was one)...that we can do all this brutal poisoning and damage to our bodies, and they're SO intent on living and keeping us alive, that we're not dead yet...and even better yet?  Unlike ANY other machine on the planet (that would be dead and in the junk yard right now), we CAN turn it around and undo everything we've done.  We just have to work as hard at UNdoing it as we did at doing it!  YAY

lordy aren't I a mess WINGS? I hope ya'll can do something with me..

a little tough love maybe ..?

I do need help.. just trying to learn here and I do  listen ..I promise I do ..all this info is filed away in my little brain for reference..just wish I could recall it when I wanted to thats all.. still have probs with

thanks for taking the time for me... I appreciate it very much .. you are a Gem as well as Uny .  I feel welcomed now..  (grin)

peace and blessings....         Anne_33


hey everyone ..

I have the detox tea( thanks Unyquity) it today .. anyways I need to know how much of it to use for the 2 cups it says to drink and I also need to know if the black walnut/wormwood tincture I have will be ok to use till I get better?
and the link from save your life manual says nothing bout having any fats like coconut oil or anything in the's a page with all the Schulze protocols & instructions, such search through to find the directions for making the tea.  Or just make it "to taste" that'll be just fine :)
should I not take that at all if I am planning to flush that day ? I am thinking yes but just wanted to know for sure. Correct, no oil on flush day. I am doing the flush tomorrow ..just haven't had all the stuff I needed to do it sooner ..was waitin on the tea..I had no idea you were waiting on the tea to do a flush - it's nice to have, but it's really not neccessary for a successful flush at all (really nice afterward for soothing the digestive tract). I really want this flush to be my liver doesn't like to let go of anything or at least that is what happened last time...You may have to do several flushes before you get anything out, just like a clogged sink - sometimes you have to put in several bottles of liquid plumber to open up the clog.  So DON'T be upset or crazy if you don't get anything out...just consider it the first bottle of Liquid Plumber, and be sure to keep doing it every week.
do I still need to take the charcoal and the IF#2 also?  
or lay off that for a day?
I am so confused...You don't have to take the IF#2, but you do need to take the charcoal (and IF#1).

thanks a bunch ...

You're welcome a bunch! :)  Unyquity


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