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Re: Vance who are you??? Who do you work for??? by Vance MacThamhais ..... Chemtrails Debate Forum

Date:   4/17/2009 1:00:34 PM ( 16 y ago)
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I don't work for the government, it doesn't pay very well as i'm sure you're aware.

I do geosteering for offshore oil and gas drilling. I steer the bit and drill string into projected pay zones.

I do believe that there is some spraying of the atmosphere. What people are taking photos of are persisitant spreading contrails.

If you use the links i've provided for atmospheric conditions appropriate for the formation of persistant contrails, you will be able to see what cities people will report chemtrails.

Just because I have a contrary view doesn't mean i'm government affiliated, does it?

Most people that discuss chemtrails do not know what contrails are, or what conditions create them. It is a common belief that contrails dissipate quickly, and that simply isn't the case.

Here is a 1972 photo of a persistant spreading contrail.



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