Teaching Style and Avoiding Confusion by evanluck ..... Ask Moreless: pH Balance
Date: 4/16/2009 2:18:58 PM ( 16 y ago)
Hits: 1,423
URL: https://www.curezone.org/forums/fm.asp?i=1398335
I've spent a lot of time taking ballroom lessons from very skilled instructors and it occurs to me that a principle I learned there may help explain some confusion that occurs with the teaching on this forum.
When I first started to learn how to dance, my instructors had to explain very complex concepts to me in a way that I could understand and apply to my dancing as a beginner. Often times they would use simplified language that was not "technically" correct but would produce the correct understanding in my beginner brain and results when applied.
Years later I would recall something that they told me and because now I was much more knowledgeable, I could see that if I picked apart what they said and defined all the words, the teaching was not "technically" correct. But at the time, I was able to understand it and apply it in a way that helped me make progress.
What is being taught here is an different paradigm for looking at human health. In that way it has its own set of terminology that when used out of context from the whole could cause confusion.
What we know is that the teaching (both information and style) has produced a level of understanding amongst a large number of us that has empowered us to greatly improve our health situations.
If you are new, invest in understanding the paradigm...it pays very large dividends in the long run.
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