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Losing weight, vegan/'s what you ASSIMILATE :) Re: Edit: Common Sense Natural Healing Steps 3-4 by unyquity ..... Natural Healing & Herbal Solutions w/Unyquity

Date:   4/15/2009 6:32:58 AM ( 15 y ago)
Hits:   2,241


Your question & concern is extremely common (and extremely valid).

Please read this post from the paragraph that starts "first things first (and foremost) - to get a better idea of why we don't assimilate nutrition, and why everybody always says "the key to life/health is a healthy colon": //

And especially these two links (the bottom is most important/applicable to your question/concern):

In order to be healthy, gain & lose weight as we'd like (or should be able to), there are many things that need to be considered/corrected (most vegans/raw foodists consider virtually none of these things).

--First and foremost - in this case, it's how much (or what) we eat, it's what we ASSIMILATE...and virtually everybody has major issues with assimilation. Some are too thin because they don't assimilate, others are too fat because they don't assimilate (they assimilate a small percentage, so they eat larger & larger quantities).

If one has done a *thorough* colon cleanse/healing (30 days with a high-quality fiber product like IF#2) doing 5-10 maintenance cleanses 4x yearly, and done a series of Liver Flushes - to achieve 3+ bowel movements daily and exhibiting no signs of intestinal issues - then we can pretty much safely assume that everything is in order for assimilation to take place.

--Third grade science/health lesson - chew your food 20-30 times per bite. Dr. Christopher said, "Drink your solids, and chew your juices". Why? Because the mouth creates up to a pint and a half of saliva with every meal, and there's 8 or more digestive enzymes in the saliva. If we're not doing this (especially imperative with raw foods), even if our intestinal tract is in TIP-top order, we won't assimilate the nutrients.

--Getting ENOUGH nutrients. Without any shadow of ANY doubt, virtually nobody gets enough nutrients from a healthy, organic diet without supplementing with some type of Superfood. This is imperative for raw/vegans, because of the lack of B vitamins, especially for B12. Hence there's nutritional yeast in the Superfood which is jam-packed with B's and extra plant-based protein. This is one "supplement" that should never be considered optional - it's just something that's necessary to be healthy on this poisoned planet. Back in the 30's they did a study on organic produce vs. 'commercial' and found the commercial to contain up to 70% less vitamins & minerals than the organic. And THAT was before the soil had been poisoned, raped of the microorganisms and left virtually barren (like it is today). At best, most folks guess that our top organic produce yields 50% less nutrition than it did 50 years ago.

--a BALANCED and truly HEALTHY raw/vegan diet includes fruits, nuts, seeds, sprouts and grains (and the healthy, organic, cold-pressed oils thereof)... and these foods must be in their WHOLESOME form. Wholesome means 'capable of bearing life'....and grains that have not been sprouted contain enzyme INHIBITORS, which vastly decrease the assimilation of ALL food. Contrary to 'raw food dogma', grains that have been sprouted and then crushed & dehydrated do NOT contain enzymes (although the enzyme inhibitors are deactivated by sprouting). Whenever enzymes are NOT present, the body has to take from it's energy/vitamin/mineral stores to create the enzymes needed. This can deplete, rather than nourish the body. There are many vegan/raw foodists that live on "dehydrated breads & crackers" and bowls of various 'dips' that are without enzymes (because ALL enzymes die when exposed to air for any length of time). Chop up an apple, lay it on the counter, and within hours it is brown and losing enzymes. This is not than much better than a cooked apple...'tis certainly better than something toxic, pasteurized completely that comes out of a can. But it doesn't have all the enzymes necessary for proper assimilation.

I just saw you latest post. Superfood from me is only $18 a month - I personally take 4T daily (which equates to $36 monthly).

I'm working on the " Liver Flushing bomb" post - hopefully I'll have it done within a day or two...'sorry for the delay.

In a nutshell, raw/vegan diets don't work for MANY reasons...but they're not the fault of the diet :( Ever see a great ape, deer, or cow that wasn't strong with plenty of muscle mass? Nope, not unless it was sick. Problem is? Most of us ARE sick (our digestive tracts are a wreck). Do the cleansing & healing of your digestive tract - work on the CAUSE and the rest WILL fall into place.

Btw, I don't necessarily subscribe to the idea of a totally raw/vegan diet being essential for has been PROVEN tens of thousands of times to be optimal for healing. But once the healing is done, one can healthily eat a bit of organic meat and raw/organic dairy - it's not optimal, but it's not totally out of the question :)

Knowledge IS the key to vibrant health...just keep learning and you'll get there!



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