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Re: Can oral magnesium supplemenation stimulate candida growth? by Cheshire77 ..... Candida & Dysbiosis Forum

Date:   4/10/2009 3:09:15 PM ( 16 y ago)
Hits:   40,713

You make several good points Ladywear.

In your case I agree it seems more sensible to take the magnesium even if it does make candida worse. It's a matter of weighing up which is the greater health risk, candida or heart attack. A high risk of heart attack would certainly sway me the way you have gone. After all, you can't beat candida if you're dead!

My Depression seems to improve on magnesium, but my candida also seems to love it. I'm not going to die from depression. (Funny, having just written that I'm reminded how many people with Depression do actually kill themselves. But in my case I am not a suicidal type, so I think the risk is fairly low.) Getting back to my point, since I believe candida caused my depression, it seems more sensible for me to withhold magnesium to control candida, even though my Depression is worse for it.

Notwithstanding my previous argument, it is entirely possible that the depression I have experienced for the last 10 years could have been reduced with magnesium supplementation. This is a pretty depressing thought. I have only very recently looked at magnesium so was living in ignorance of this possibility (that low magnesium is involved in my depression). It also makes me think it is no good me just holding my own with candida while starving my brain of magnesium for the rest of my life. Logically I need to attack candida much more aggressively to reach a point where I am able to tolerate magnesium supplementation, and thereby help my depression. What an awful insidious disease this is!

I agree looking into why we have the candida in the first place may be worthwhile. I can think of two likely causes with regards myself. I was brought up on a fruit farm where they sprayed lots of pesticides. Our hourse was right in amongst the fruit trees and we all drank rain water collected from the roof, so I probably ingested a little or a lot of pesticide. I also have a somewhat hyper vigilant or anxious personality which I think has caused chronic stress, which can affect the adrenal and immune systems, leading to candida. Does knowing the possible causes of my candida help me? I'm open to suggestions on that, but I still think beating candida is the logical first line of attack for me.

Anyway, appreciated your post Ladywear.

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