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Edited by bimba ..... Urine Therapy Support Forum

Date:   4/9/2009 6:58:19 AM ( 16 y ago)
Hits:   3,137

been drinking about i/2 cup of morning (Brahma Murta ) urine for over a year now. I started because I was curious if it would improve my health. It did. Immediately (or at most a few days) my heart function improved. I used to get frequent angina, arrythmia, and more recently one or two seconds of painful stuttering of my heart beat. Since then, if I skip the urine, that day I feel my heart complain. The taste fluctuates. I think the most theraputic taste is bitter. Of course the saltiness varies the most. But it all tastes disgusting. I can never quite get used to it. It is the price I pay. I am vegetarian- bimba

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