Need a plan, please. by rerod ..... Ask Trapper
Date: 4/6/2009 3:44:53 PM ( 16 y ago)
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I'm looking for a plan to get my dads mind back.
My dads cognitive functions are decreasing much faster than his physical. He is 83 years old. He is being treated in a 24 care facility after falling and breaking his hip after my Moms funeral February 17th. He will be released soon and will return to his farm (well water) with 24 hr care. He wont be thrilled about the 24hr care since he was running a small red Angus organic cattle operation just one year ago with a partner. I just had a rotator cuff surgery (a blessing in disguise) so I will be with him 24/7 until I have recovered in 3 months.
My Dad is skeptical about alternative medicines. He is the type who wants to see clinical trials and proven procedures. He would never agree to removing his mercury fillings even after the new FDA report. Or taking lithium and HRT. During one of his 'spells', he even questioned if there was proof blueberries were good for memory. He forgets to drink water. Looses his way. But the way I see it, I have to try to help him. He's done so much for me. I want to do all that I can to stop or reverse his cognitive decline. His mother had Alzheimer's and he has been diagnosed with Brain Atrophy. He is taking hydrochlorothiazide 25mg, potassium chloride (KLOR-CON M20), Tylenol 2600mg, Iron 15 mg, PRILOSEC 20mg, and fish oil 1000 mg. He has a bowel movement 2x a day. He will receive a full neurological assessment next week. Which will confirm he can no longer drive or do the things he loves which has kept him in good shape on his farm. It will be a huge blow for him. But I hope the news will help him understand we need to at least try and that we don't have much time.
I have done some research but I'm finding so much information in the Internet rabbit holes its hard to make any decisions. I need someone would take my hand and guide me so I could be with him, cook and treat his conditions. Money is not a issue but I have to convince my sister who is his PA and MPA that what I would like to try could be beneficial and will not harm him in the process.
My first plan is to replace all his cookware with glass because hes probably loaded with aluminum and mercury. Then things become fuzzy. Here's what Iv come up with..
The spice 4 life 4 ounces a day along with 3 tablespoons of lecithin and 3 tablespoons of sorghum just may do wonders!
Your looking at germ warfare, all the clean ups are the cure along with oregano and olive leaf as aids.
IF your dieing, then I pull out the desert parsley and have added it to my 2006 version of Maximum Restore!
I suggest the old medical method of using organic liquid soy lecithin for restoring the flexibility of the gray matter of the brain.
The best herbal cure is to have 5% silica to counter the aluminum.
I used to not have anything to do with lecithin because it's a soy derivative but Barefoots lecithin is changing my mind. I know several people on it and they swear by it, so go for it.
Barefoots LBB
Oh, anything spicy hot too. Barefoots Longevity spices are great at that.
Drink allot of water.
Magnetic Clay Baths.
I really need a detailed plan penciled up because I don't want to throw everything at him. Who do you suggest I contact instead of trying things on my own? Maybe barefoot? I'm in west branch Iowa. I feel my dad would be more open to a tailored organic diet and natural herbs. Or supplements I could put in his food or drink.
Thanks for your help.
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