Re: On the topic of friendship, a question... by Raynbo ..... Relationship Support Forum
Date: 4/2/2009 4:35:05 PM ( 16 y ago)
Hits: 2,316
This is a fascinating subject. I am no expert on human relations, but it seems to me that in times gone by people used to live in one place most of their lives, and have relationships/friendships that lasted a lifetime. Now, at a time when keeping in touch is easier then ever before, people dump each other at the drop of a hat and "move on" whether they move away - or not. Even if they still live in the same town, there is a restlessness, a disatisfaction, or something that causes friendships to drop by the way side - or even keep from getting started.
People feel they "outgrow" each other. Or they are too busy... or they find the other person to be too needy...whatever..
I was watching a movie with a person I had been trying to be friends with for a long time. It was a movie about a group of women who dropped what they were doing in their lives and hopped on a plane to rush to a friend and her daughter's side who were going through a crisis (I think it was something about the The Secrets of the YA YA Sisterhood)...and my friend just couldn't understand how anyone could make such a sacrifice of their time and energy for someone else's emotional problems - especially someone who lived so far away.
I admired it and I could understand it - but I could not believe it. Real people, at least in modern times, just don't seem to bond like that.
Did they ever?
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