the personal nonsense/relation post by Wrenn ..... Astrology Forum
Date: 2/13/2004 9:39:15 AM ( 20 y ago)
Hits: 1,547
ok here is the personal thing about colors and about crystal vibratiosn and my personal emotional state o f the new year that i ahv e decided to make my yea rgoal (one of them anyhow.)
i am extrmely paranoid about beign inpublic around people after wha ti have dealth with
for many years.. i won't wast etiem digressing /that is the basis.
ok so i was reading in a book i have/ american Indians which i spart of my background heritage of course with other thign stoo..
that the color RED is the one color that stops vibrational energies flow.
so liek say if you wen tto a palce with lots of cystals alluncovered.. and the vibratiosn of others it would be hard to actually get a *true reading* of a crystal youmight feel is right for you ...
or if youare goign aroudn people tha tgiv eout negativ eenrgies i tis a good color to wear
to maintain their enrgies vibratiosn not affectign you ...
unfortuenlaty it work sin reverse too.. your energies can't flow properly form youto otehrs
when youwear red... so if youwere to lend your energies say healign etc... youwoudl take of the red and wear a mor eaprropritat ecolor conducive to waht ever aspect youare lending
your enrgies too...
well i hate red lol after wha ti wen t thru i ahve seen too much blood/ it remind sme of bad thigns.. and also it reminds me of anger and violenc ein teh world..
so i avoid it anywhere on me... except an antique one i own handmade injapan that is gorgeous i found at a used shop for an incredibl elow cost years ago before ba dthign ahppene dto me.. it is in literlaly brand new shape... evne tho it is antique 8)
ok digressing.
so i notice inmy personal challenge is hte red moon (signature antipode)
and my true personal cahllenge is to go bacn and integrate my self around people fac eto face
and the re d willhelp filter out negative energive sdistracting vibratiosn form others..
and iunderstand that i tis good to wea rcolors from your persaonl signature.. and wha teh colors imply..
again wha tis good.. is that i ahve been *seekign* and answer to colors to wear as i begin rebuildign my identity in public/ and ho wi wan tto present myslef..
and even tho i ten dto liek wine colors or roayl greens i kept comming back to royal blue.
and for some reason i don't evne remember i ahd bought a fairly large # of dark blue garments las tyear that i coudl wear asilost weight and still after the weight loss by hadn ties or simple belt adds youget my drift 8) so my money woudl nto be wasted...
then i find out i am blue magnetic storm so oen ofhte best color s fo r mewoudl be the blue
am i correct?
it is also my understand ign that blue helps other sto se eyou in strengh and tend to take youmor eseriously/ not as a walkall over type person...
and so lend s confidnece to the wearer *) ..which i willneed... lol !!
all of this jstu falls ahdn in hand.. so i guess youwill see me nex tin the world wearign dark blue ..c arrying a long red schawl lol in casue i start getting overwhemed by to amny vibrations, bu tyet soemthin i can easily remov eif need to release good energy out to others 8)
oh said i fyoudo wear the red forthis purpose to be sure and wear healign stones on teh inside NOT the out side so tehy will stillbe sending their vibratiosn thru you ..
if youwwea r then on the outsdie of red you negate the flow toyou ... *)
andin conjuntion with allthat my weird littel magnetisign the sissors experiment slol !!
that was funny to watch..
i toguht of it after reading in this book/ about he always rubbed his hand s togeter to get the energies flowing and buidling , and then held i tover his meals and focused releasign
those energies into the food he ate by visualizing this: to cure and heal
over every thign he ate and also esp when he passed anythign along to others he woud l do the same to release some of his energy into and onto the receipient...
he said in all his travels many to remote palces and questionalb e prepartion methods..
he never got ill when he did this 8)
that is why the idea hit me to try the sissors/ cause i ahve a balcgorun dof laying on of hands and spiritual healing to start/ so inunderstood the concept..
bu tnot aobut the magnetic instea dof conductive enrgiy...
so i was totally blown away when i did lol and then later in week foudn out from here
about the magnetic blue storm and alos that it ismoving into a whoelyea rof influence in this my new beginnign year o fincredible eprsonal goals and new life...
i am on a seerie sof cleanisngs an d flushigns that will brign me to the end of march being
my stop time.. and ready fo rsprign / and will have reache d my full target wt goal by then also.. and os i foudn ti interestign that you said the white wizard will graduly lessen as the red moon phases in and also OVERALL as the blue stormphase sin too..
so iwillb ein red moon under blue storm withsiganture blue magnetic storm fo rthe next entir eyear !!
it is really neat how allthose coem together. in unison forme... i am SO excited to see wha t this year has in store for me !!
ihope anyof that mad e sens eto you .. also i ampassign thru a new gatewayin my life..
new change sin my life goals and learnigns to build on form here
and my castle is the White Nothern Castle of Crossing lol
and i ahve been ahvign dreams wearing all white.. (not white as we percieve it but transparenet white light)
and moonstoens in myhair and flower sevyer where *)
and then i saw the white wind asmy occult and clan SKY and earth family gate way
it again jsue feelintopalce...
btw i hav ealways ahted wwearign white too lol cause ialwasy thogut it amd emelook fat ...
but i ahd towear it when i was in martialarts lol
andi ahd been considering it towea rmore... tehn teh dreams and the white wind occult
just alot of mess ithoguht youmight find interesting share hwo this doe ssemt o fall inlien with personal thigns ongoingm in my life
so fo rme when my son was sayign how ohmine isn't as coolas his *he was joikng btw he isn't and ego head)
i toldhim.. bu tmine relalyis a refelction of ME and i can ssee it in relation to my life.
and they rign true.
in additon my filing will go thru by en dof march too and so i begin witha toally claen slate form scratch from there
areally NEW begiinign of hte 2nd ahlf of my earht life *)
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