Re: Bad detoxing reaction by Alexandria ..... Iodine Supplementation Support by VWT Team
Date: 3/28/2009 9:41:16 AM ( 16 y ago)
Hits: 2,515
I have seen and experienced myself people in a state of high anxiety have a mini freak out after they take just about anything. It produces intense anxiety, panic attacks. Think back if you do this w/ any new med or supp.Lots of people have trauma over taking new things. I used to be in the middle of dinner eating in a nice restaurant and suddenly be overwhelmed with panic and spit my food out onto the plate( I know I made a lovely dinner companion) I was just sure the food had been poisoned it was like a reflex(u know come to think of it it probably was poisoned..). I used to think I must have been poisoned in a past life. I had terrible racing heart at night restless sleep or outright insomnia.
Don't get me wrong I am sure you are detoxing to boot it just sounds like you are anxious on top of it. Spuds is right magnesium is the best but caps never did it for me. Natural calm did the trick for me along with a good hypno cd @ night.
good luck it does get better ;)
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