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Re: Low phosphorus levels (blood work)- Edited by LuellaMay ..... Animals & Pets Health Support

Date:   3/27/2009 10:27:46 PM ( 16 y ago)
Hits:   13,573

Oh my, don't worry about the long post.  Not a problem.  And bless your heart, I can imagine what you went through waiting for Haley.  Actually, I would have too.  We mom's tend to worry about our babies and can't relax until they are home safe and sound.

With regard to the thyroid, that is why I suggested you to go the iodine forum.  They will give you a definitive answer as how much iodine and what type to use.  If any at all.  I have the utmost faith in them as they are responsible for fixing my own thyroid problems.  And I feel healthier than I had in 20 years.... but that's another story.

As for the colloidal silver, yes you can give it to her in filtered water.  Reverse osmosis would be best.  As for MMS, I must say that I am really not a fan.  I have heard pros and cons, but the cons were enough to dissuade me from even trying it.  Frankly, colloidal silver does everything that MMS is supposed to do but it has no side effects and you can drink as much as you want of it.  This goes for both our furkids and us humans.  However, you can use both but you should probably space them out.  Leave a few hours between the two.

Hope that you are much better now that Haley is home.   

Warm regards,



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