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Re: Looking for advice/support on possible cavitations by PattiAnnT ..... Cavitations Surgery Forum

Date:   3/16/2009 8:34:15 AM ( 15 y ago)
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You are so kind to have sent me all this caring advice. Thank you, Luella.

I'm pasting your message in and will respond by line - my response indicated by *****

I am not really familiar with cavitation surgery . I know of one person that is about to undergo this process and am yet to see the results. ***** Would love to hear about the process and recovery when you know more.*****

As for the infections that you seem to have, I would start taking Colloidal Silver . This should take care the infections throughout your mouth, and even the one in your bone. Colloidal Silver is nature's Antibiotic and I will put it up against any Antibiotic any day. It has never failed me. And it doesn't come with side effects, as Antibiotics do. Seeing the gravity of your situation, I would get the very best. Many purport to sell Colloidal Silver when, in fact, it is no such thing. Your source must be trusted and of high quality. May I suggest Curezone's Sponsor Utopia-Silver ,
And by inserting code LR001, you will receive a 15% discount if it is not on sale.

Swish the colloidal silver through your entire mouth several times a day, try to get every knook and cranny, and then swallow. *****My naturopath does not want me to use colloidal silver just now. Not sure why. Will definitely check out utopiasiver when she says to go ahead with it. Thanks.*****

As for the lipoma in your arm, colloidal silver has been known to literally melt them away. I know you had the thermography, but I am not clear if you received the results yet. Is cancer ruled out? *****The MD who read the thermograph did not indicate cancer. I am due for an annual mammo, though. On Dr. Breiner's website, I found a newsletter article that talked about having lumps in the upper arm resolve once infected dental cavitations are resolved.*****

With regard to the adrenal fatigue, what is your diet like? A diet that would be conducive to treating adrenal fatigue is one that combines unrefined carbohydrates (whole grains) with protein and oils (nuts and seeds), olive, walnut, fiber, flax and high-quality fish oil. It is also important to eat regular meals and eat by 10 AM. Avoid any hydrogenated fats, caffeine, chocolate, white carbohydrates, and junk foods. Diets should have a heavy emphasis on vegetables. Sea Salt should be used instead of table salt . *****Already am eating this way, for the most part. I suspect the adrenal fatigue has come on from years of battling infections like Lyme, mononucleosis, and this dental problem. Also from just assuming too much responsibility for tasks in my volunteer work. Have been turning over tasks to others lately.*****

I would also suggest that you take plant derived trace Binerals. ***** Am taking Standard Process Organically bound Minerals and drinking fresh wheat grass juice daily*****

These additional nutritional supplements may also offer additional benefits:

* Vitamin C - 2,000 to 4,000 mg a day, sustained release
* Vitamin E, mixed with tocopherols, 800 IU a day
* Vitamin B complex *****am taking Premier Research Labs Max-Stress B Nano-Plex liquid b complex in water - I sip it all day and don't get the nausea that most b complexes give me*****
* Magnesium citrate *****naturopath has me on magnesium glycinate, as she says it's better absorbed - too much gives me diarrhea, though*****

If Depression is present, add SAMe. *****no problem*****

Other herbs that may help, and it looks like you are taking some of these already:

Licorice, Ashwagandha, Maca, Siberian Ginseng, Korean Ginseng. Please Note: Licorice can and, if taken over time, does have a propensity to elevate blood pressure. It should not be used in persons with a history of hypertension, renal failure, or who currently use digitalis preparations such as digoxin. *****naturopath and acupuncturist do not want me on ginseng at all - they say that it will make me feel 'beat up' because the energy is too much for the state I am in. Am taking ashwaganda, rehmannia, salvia, etc.
Naturopath put me on licorice and I felt worse - acupuncturist said anyone with deficient kidney chi should avoid licorice - since I went off it, I am feeling better.*****

Again, thank you for your kind attention. Will keep you posted.

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