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Re: Destroy any Herpes Virus with Oxygen and High level PH. by Johny Apple Bomb ..... Herpes Simplex 1 Forum

Date:   3/14/2009 4:04:24 AM ( 16 y ago)
Hits:   65,032

It's can be a harsh treatment if taken in high doses. I have seen it control or cure Colitis, and IBS when all else has failed. Much better than a colostomy bag. And if anything it alkalizes the body.

MMS has not killed one person. Properly prescribed prescription drugs kill over 100,000 per year in the USA.

MMS will never be properly tested as their is no profit in it. So these criminals will instead make it illegal so their ineffective drugs and horrible disfiguring highly profitable procedures will not be made obsolete.

My calculations show Miracle-Mineral-Supplement relatively safe even when taken in Humbles aggressive large doses.

200 mG/KG/day of Sodium Chlorite killed 2 rats in a few days.

Public Health Service
Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry
September 2004

How many kilograms does a 150 pound man weigh?

1 pound = .453592 KG

(150 lbs.)(.453592 KG) = 68.0388555 KG

(200 mG)(68.0388555 KG man) = 13607.77 mG = 13.608 Grams

13.608 Grams will kill a 150 pound Rat.

Chapter 16 of Humbles second book.

Their is 100 Grams of Sodium Chlorite powider in 12.6 ounces of Miracle-Mineral-Supplement .

Chapter 15

The powder (flakes) Humble says to use is only 80% Sodium Chlorite so their is actually 80 grams of Sodium Chlorite in 12.6 ounces of Miracle-Mineral-Supplement .

How much MMS will kill a 150 pound Rat? Using Ratios we get this formula. Solve for X.

12.6 ounces/80Grams = X ounces/13.608 Grams.

X = 2.143 ounces of MMS.

The most you ever take with the Humble Protocol (15 drops 3 times a day) is a little less than 3/4 of a teaspoon of MMS out of a standard MMS bottle.

Also. the more the Sodium Chlorite is activated and turned to Chlorine Dioxide the less toxic it is. Chlorine Dioxide is at least 50 times less toxic than Sodium Chlorite per

Public Health Service
Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry
September 2004.


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