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--Itchy Mania--Edited by moreless ..... Ask Moreless: pH Balance

Date:   3/9/2009 8:42:40 AM ( 16 y ago)
Hits:   647

Hi Ya'll,

Many folks may have problems with some part of their body beginning to Itch when this part of their body becomes too Acidic !

WHY may this come about?

Our body is immersed in Fluids called our Lymphatic Fluids !

We also have Fluids called our Blood !

It is our Lymphatic Fluids we need to be concerned about because this may Determine How long our Blood will be able to keep Stablized in the Narrow pH range it Must have to avoid Death to the Organs of the body and in the End the entire body?

Our Lymphatic Fluids do not have a pump to move them around like the Blood has !

So, How or What is needed to make our Lymphatic Fluids move so as to be able to get rid of their Waste?


Did I read correct that the Lymphatic Fluids need to get rid of their Waste?

How can our Lymph system keep our body Healthy unless it has a way to get rid of it's Waste?

What is needed to help our Lymph system to get rid of it's Waste?

Movememt against Gravity is what our Lymph system Must have to Cause the Lymph Fluids to move and be able to get rid of it's waste !

Learn to use a mini-trampoline to more our Lymph fluids !

This means that if we Fail to do our part and move around and do some work to Cause our body to resist Gravity that our Lymph system cannot then move it's Waste out and get rid of it's Waste !

What happens Next when we cannot get rid of our Waste?

Our Lymphatic Fluids become too Acidic and each area of our body that builds up the most Acids and Toxins because of this Waste then becomes Sick and Diseased !

These areas of Waste build up Cause a Lack of Oxygen !

How long can we Live without Oxygen?

Is it any wonder then WHY these areas of our body may become Itchy and send us into Scratching Fits?

Let us consider the Head area?

When our Head area does --NOT-- get enough Oxygen, then all sorts of Sickness and Diseases attack us !

What else may be the problem when we have Itchy Mania?

We need to consider WHY our Nerves may be sending these Pain and Suffering Messages to our Brain telling us we Itch?

WHY would our Nerves be doing this?

What does our body Lack that is needed to overcome this problem?

For this understanding we need to learn that our Nerves Must have the Electro-magnetic Energy released from Not Only Water based Acids reacting against the needed Alkaline Minerals, but also the Oil Based Acids reacting against the needed Alkaline Minerals !

Where do Oil Based Acids come from?

When we learn to K.I.S.S. and eat Top Quality In Season High Brix Fruits and Vegetables, these shall ---Automatically--- contain the needed Oil Based Acids Complexed with the needed Alkaline Minerals !

Here are some past posts explaining about Water and Oil Based Acids:

Hi Ya'll,

Did you ever wonder about some Vitamins being Water Soluble and others being Fat Soluble and what Difference it may make to the body ?

Did you ever consider that some may Help Protect the Nerve endings, while others may Damage or may we say make the Nerve ending more sensitive to the feeling of
Pain ?

Did you ever consider that taking high doses of Vitamin C may Cause your body more Problems than it may Solve ?

Or that taking high doses of some kinds of Vitamin A may "KILL" you ?

Which are the Natural Water soluble Vitamins and where do most of them come from?

And what about the Fat Soluble Vitamins ?

Does this make any Difference ?

It may make a Great Difference, because "IF" we learn to supply our body with the Vitamins from Natural foods, then we may "NOT" need to worry about overdosing from any of them !

And we may supply our body with enough of them by learning to eat Fresh Fruits and Vegetables in season as well as Different Whole grains and a general variety of Good foods !

But "IF" we chose to eat at a Fast Food place, then we may be in for Problems!

As usual not everything may be as it may first seem to be!

Smile Tis your choice.

Hi Ya'll,

Vitamins may be Acid forming, thus they may React against any Alkaline substance in the body, in order to become Neutralized and thus be able to Release their
Electro-magnetic Energy for the body to be able to use their Frequencies of Electro-magnetic Energy for the Different Organs of the Body which may need
these Specific Energies !

Acids are required by the body to Activate the Oxides in the foods to be able to Release their Electro-magnetic Energy for the Different organs of the body which
need these in order to stay or become Healthy !

This is how Alkaline Minerals are Chelated, is by Reacting them with Acids, but they must have Live carbons to be naturally chelated !

So, in order for a Vitamin to work it "MUST" have "ALL" of the "Different" Alkaline Minerals present in the body to be able to React against each of them, so that "Every" Different organ may be supplied "ALL" of the Different
Electro-magnetic Energy, which it may need to stay Healthy !

For, "IF" we just provide a partial supply of the needed Alkaline Minerals or for that matter , do not have "ALL" of the needed Different Acids to be able to
React against "ALL" of the different Alkaline Minerals, then some Organ of the body may begin to Suffer !

And the longer "WE" do not supply "ALL" of these Different Acids and Alkaline Minerals for our body to produce "ALL" of the Electro-magnetic Spectrum of Energy for "Every" Different Organ of the body, then some of these Organs may
start to become Sick and Diseased !

This is "WHY" we cannot become Healthy by just using baking soda or Magnesium or other Alkaline Mineral by it's self to raise our pH and think our problems may be Solved !

As it is more Complex, yet very Simple, when we understand how it "ALL" fits in together !

For, not everything may be as it may first seem to be !

But, by learning to "STOP" eating foods which have been Refined and Processed and learning to eat the Best Quality foods grown in season, we may learn to
start Solving most of our problems !

And the Alkalizing Drink may speed up our recovery, by supplying those missing ingredients, which our body may need to become and stay Healthy !

Of this the Kelp plays a Very important role of supplying the missing Alkaline Trace Minerals we may not get from the rest of our food supply? Thus Kelp is
Very Important for our Healing and Health !

Want some proof of these ideas working? Please take time to review the Many
Success Testimonials "Following" this link:

Cause and Effect !

"WE" are What "WE" Eat !

Smile Tis your choice.

Now some ideas to help about Itching Mania of the Scalp and head area:

Because the problem may be related to a shortage of Essential Oils, What can we do?

Remember our problem has come about because of our Poor choice of eating Poor quality foods, either because we did not understand or because we were not able to find Top Quality foods?

For Top Quality Highly Mineralized High Brix foods Naturally will have these needed Natural Oils we Must have to stay Healthy or to Heal from our Sickness and Diseases !

The Long term Solution is to learn to supply these needed Natural Oils, but 1st STOP eating the Junk foods we have been eating that are Poor Quality !

For if our Diet is made up Mostly of this Poor Quality Junk foods, this shall Prevent us from Healing, NO matter how much Supplements we Stuff into our mouth !

So, what is one to do on the short term?

Anything we can do to STOP our Lymphatic Fluids from being too Acidc in the area of Itchy Mania may help?

Let us take our Head area and you can enter these into the search engine and find many past posts about these ideas:

Gargle Milk of Magnesia with Peppermint oil added or of Mint flavor !

Mist 3 % Peroxide into our mouth !

Soak our head with 3% peroxide, make sure to keep it our of our eyes !

Soak our head with Different Essential oils as has been suggested !

Learn to eat some Wild Alaskan Salmon and Sardines for our Oil needs !

Try taking a small amount of coconut oil, wheat germ oil, flax seed oil in our daily Diet !

The application of Essential Oils to our Scalp may work the Fastest in the short term, with the other things being a longer term solution?

Just Remember we have caused our own Itchy Mania by our Poor past choices and our Present Poor choices of Failing to do what will Solve the problem !

Do not come on here and tell me you have tried Everything, because you will be --Lieing-- to me and yourself !

What gain does one get by Lieing to ones own self?

NO one can help us but ourself !

Do we have the will power to help ourself?

Edit: Here are a list of Specific Success testimonials concerning the Healing of Itchy Mania:

Cause and Effect !

Smile Tis your choice.


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