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Act of 1871 by Hidden Username ..... Politics Debate Forum

Date:   3/6/2009 7:15:09 PM ( 16 y ago)
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America was in a shambles after the Civil War. The Feds (Union) went into debt with international bankers in London to rebuild. As a part of the agreement, the original Constitution's wording changed from "Constitution 'for' the US" to "Constitution 'of' the US." But the "US" this new revised Constitution meant was actually only Washington, DC and not the continental American states. In other words, the Constitution we have and use today was intended for the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, INCORPORATED, which operates entirely outside the organic, original US Constitution, as a business corporation, one which is owned by foreign interests.

Before the Act of 1871, Americans were free, independent, individual sovereigns, meaning they had unalienable rights granted to them by Almighty God and mentioned in the Declaration of Independence. The fastest way for me to explain sovereignty is "the divine right of kings." If you believe in Christ, you understand that you are a son or daughter of God and a co-heir of the Kingdom of grace. Our original command from our Heavenly Father was to take dominion over the Earth, and to be fruitful and multiply. "We" are the true kings, all of us, and not monarchies or emperors or maritime admiralty laws rooted in Roman Caesarean edicts. My understanding of American history is that the idea (or experiment, even) was for men and women to self-rule in righteous behavior according to the higher laws and purposes of God, and they would need very little outside governance. However, evil men had their own agendas in mind and soon corrupted America.

With the Act of 1871, the center of power, if you will was shifted- well, stolen- away from "we the people of the united states (with lots of emphasis on the "states," and more importantly, the people living on the organic soil/dirt within the borders of these states). The sovereign power was transferred, without our consent as a nation, from us as independent, free people, to a central federal government that was controlled by foreign bankers, of course with strings attached.

Who pays the federal debt? Yup. Voluntarily? Hardly. So how free are we? They took our freedoms away, and gave us a bill of "rights" instead. Now, of course, they are taking these away and giving us "entitlements." Pray tell what are these?

Here's the thing that is so cool about state sovereignty: "technically" the federal government doesn't have any jurisdiction outside the city limits (I guess that's what they are) of Washington, DC. It would take me forever to explain it, but it's true. However, there is so much statutory law and bureaucratic policy that it would take one tough turkey to fight through it. But if entire states get together and stand up for their rights as States under that very Constitution, it's one big step toward regaining our divinely ordained unalienable rights as sovereign citizens of the organic United States.

I apologize for the length, but this is a topic I care very much about, one that deserves the cyberspace to discuss.


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