Iodine and kids, pets..and plants by Ginagirl ..... Iodine Supplementation Support by VWT Team
Date: 3/2/2009 4:55:27 AM ( 16 y ago)
Hits: 4,991
My eldest son; 12 years of age, has been on Iodine now for 10 months. He was on fluoride tablets for 2-3 years (his father wanted to stop cavities to develop and I wasnt tough enough to say no; or educated enough back then) luckily he got loose bowels after a while, so he discontinued the fluoride)
Our water is not fluoriated; thank god!
He struggled at school, socially, and with math, ++. He also started having hyperthyroid symptoms; felt colder,started to gain weight.
I put him on Iodine + some companion minerals; selenium, multi mineral, Sea Salt ,some vitamin c. Started with 1 drop; he is now up on about 4 drops of Lugol daily, two weeks out of four.
He is now among top three in class when it comes to math
He has grown 10-12 cm (3-4 inches?)during these 10 months
He has improved socially; his teacher say it is a great improvement. He feel warmer, weight is also fine.
He still have issues; but he is (and I am) very pleased of the development so far.
My youngest son (9) has had one strange thing from he was a baby; he tolerated fever very poorly; went into convulsions several times as a toddler, even if relative low fever. I never understood this until I got thyroid issues myself; as far as I understand the thyroid is the temperature regulator in the body.
He is also on lugols; about half the dose of his big brother
His reading skill has improved at school, has not been ill since starting on iodine, so it is difficult to know if his heat regulation is better. No other improvement besides;when he has a sore throat, painting with Lugols stop the infection over night.
One of my cats was overweight one year ago; and still is! ; I give him one drop of the 2 % in the water bowl. he has improved socially; he is not agressive anymore (had aggressive fits; I almost had to put him down because of it)
he even jumps on my lap now, he didnt do that for a couple of years.
Still have to work on his weight issue; I give them some raw food every day; fish, liver, meat, egg yolk. Their energy is better; wants to go out more.
Maybe I have to up the Iodine to make the weight go down.
My plants are my guinea pigs;
last summer I gave my outdoor plants some; Seasalt , iodine, kelp, and tiny amounts of borax. Usually they look good for about a month or two; then wither, get bugs and dont seem to thrive.
Last summer I only had bugs on one out of 15 plants (flowers and strawberries in pots ) They flowered from may until october; actually they didnt wither/die until the frost came!
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