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Re: Pain under right rib cage... by fledgling ..... Ask Humaworm: Parasites

Date:   2/26/2009 4:35:30 PM ( 16 y ago)
Hits:   11,629

I agree, the entire website...twice, or more.

But, first...

...Slather the area with castor oil; lay on some old towels; maybe add a lightly-warm hot water bottle (use your judgement); and tuck hubby into bed...removing the water bottle after a while.

I don't know if the condition calls for warmth, or not...but keeping to just a little warmth, for a short time, may be best. How does your husband do with any extra warmth at night - furnace, etc.? Use your judgement here.

The fact that he chooses to sleep on his right side, is interesting. Can he alternate? Does he still change position when he sleeps, automatically? Let him choose the position, and movements, he prefers, I think.

I believe every community in the world has a natural care person who knows a thing or two. Find the people who are in your area...but look for signs of appropriateness for YOUR husband!

Maybe YOU try any gentle treatment suggested, BEFORE he does...just in case.

How's his water consumption? If a change is needed, do it very slowly...have him sipping water all day, at his own speed.

Perhaps boiled water would be best.


That means his body CAN handle whatever is gumming up the works, at least sometimes!

If I were right there beside you, I would go into 'automatic' mode, calling on every basic thing for well-being I have ever heard of.

...AND, phoning/running to the neighbors to ask, "Who do you know...what do you know?"

...You the folks who need to assist at a birth for the first time ever...they boil water, not that hot water is so much needed (except to sterilize cloths, etc.), but to keep people busy, and not worrying.


Okay, the first things I'd do, other than to call out the cavalry, are...

...Castor oil, on the area, with very old towels, and into bed...with enough blankets to please him, and turning onto his best side, and away, as he feels comfortable trying.

...Water, but only in sips, as he feels the need. Use a small pitcher with a curly spout, or a teapot...for convenience in drinking without a struggle.

...Go without solid food for a while. If, and when, he is hungry, run the best vegetables you can get your hands on, through the blender (or juicer), adding a little extra water...perhaps to flow through the pulp in a strainer or cloth.

...A hand bath, a footbath, or a tub bath in a 1% solution of ancient crystal mineral salts in water. Just at, or near, body temperature. For 20 to 30 minutes.

Or use any unpolluted pulp from veggies that have been organically grown.

In the case of the crystal mineral salts, use 1 kg., or 2.2 pounds, to the average bathtubful of water. Pre-melt the mineral salts for they are slow to melt....and no fun to sit on.

The bath should be as 'salty'-tasting as tears.

The skin is our most powerful detoxing organ. Minerals that have been selected and balanced by plants, are further balanced by the skin, for this specific individual...both in and out of the body.

The process is called 'osmosis', and it works wonders.

Through the skin is my favorite way, because the skin can't get it wrong...if the water is as 'salty'-tasting as tears...a 1% solution. ...Like a swim in an ancient, unpolluted, ocean.

Besides, the mineral salts are sterile. No one can 'catch' anything through it.

...And, it is the most nourishing source of minerals, the building-blocks of life, selected by ocean plants, that we know of.

Our skins know exactly what to do with this bath.

Mine come from the distributor...

However, there are deposits of ancient dehydrated ocean minerals all over the world.

They date back 250,000,000 years ago...long before man invented pollution.

The earth shifted and heaved and deposited these nutrients in many places. That's why for thousands of years people have loved spas and swimming holes...'taking the waters'.

Now, your husband's greatest asset is you...and not just because you aren't feeling poorly, and can think clearly.

Your very presence, and caring, lifts him.

Intentionally, send him your best vibrations...your health.

Within you, your vibrations of life, energy, and goodwill, can't diminish. Each of us is a conduit to and from the energy of the whole universe.

When a person is ill, the systems have become 'blocked', or 'constricted' in some way.

Your presence helps your husband's body to recall perfect functioning.

Never mind if this sounds 'hocus-pocus', or as though the Fledge has fallen off her rocker.

Just be near him, and your caring will help.

Peaceful sounds, pictures, words, and thoughts, heal far more than we, too.

If you are worried, and have a hard time getting out of it...take a quick look at some of the pictures at...

In the top left-hand corner of the page, write in any subject you'd like to see.

My first was 'roses'. Later, I looked for 'dandelions'.

Instant restoration of good spirits!

My blessings on your house, Aimee.


Just in case there is something here for you...

And, if you need extra reading...


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