My 2 cents by TheObserver ..... Evolution & Creationism Debate
Date: 2/19/2009 2:10:09 AM ( 16 y ago)
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I D is the only way for a reasonable scientist to look at this 3D universe.
Though the programming IE "educational training" had drilled it into their heads that there is no god in science. Unfortunately scientists do think - observe - experiment. Even engineers have to solve complex system problems bawk at the idea that there was no intelligent force behind this universe. Actually science has proved there is a creative force... It just is not in "popular scientific doctrine" yet....
We live in exciting times my friends... If we don't kill ourselves first.... I speculate that there must have been MANY divine interventions thus far - look at all the years with our finger on the nuclear trigger - with men with minds of children running nations...Just lucky I guess
Just lucky that you needed an eye - so you grew one
Just think that you needed arms and hands and fingers - and grew them
needed lungs - grew-em
needed digestive system - grew it
on and on . To think it just happened out of random VS Intelligent Design... which is more likely?
Now on the other side - the religions of the world -
UGH one must ask If there is a god why does not anyone know "the way"
Looking from the outside I would have to agree 100%. everyone says I KNOW THE WAY - follow me - and the zealots say do what I say or die - Americas history - "Manifest destiny" The justification to take what they wanted. Was their god given manifest destiny to do so!.. What a easy trap to fall into. To destroy in the name of god... over and over century after century....
Now if a non believer sees this going on - what do you thing he would say - I think surely there is no god - we are on our own... how could you blame them. "the believers" set the worst example.... beautiful churches preaching - give to get to give... TV preachers caught is sex scandals over and over...
Hell most "Christians" I meet are the most FAKE folks I ever meet. Pretending to be so nice when it is so obvious to be fake.
So look from the out side I would say it is all BS. But science proves there is some intelligence out there pulling the cosmic strings... So I ain't going to find it in church "typically" they are trapped into the saved/hell duality... Blocking spiritual growth... I pick on Christianity cus I been there done that....
So in conclusion - there is something out there - now what is it?
I would suggest to try this: If you are sincere and if there is anything - ask for "it" to show itself to you in some way that you will know - remove all doubt... It may take time but it would be great if you share your experience with this BB. Say give is up to 6 months before you say this is just BS.... I think something will happen much sooner maybe very much sooner...
each person can connect directly with the source... guides or spirits etc steer clear of that - stick to the source and if you are honestly seeking - you will know beyond all doubt - something is there -something very loving.... something that designed us with a hole in out heart - so we would some day return... That is what I have experienced...
And you?
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