Re: --Feeling Sorry for yourself?-- by jamesfarrell ..... Ask Moreless: pH Balance
Date: 2/13/2009 8:30:16 AM ( 16 y ago)
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Yes, you are correct. I do have a tendency to feel sorry for myself. Now, that's history. It's not going to help. However I've been left high and dry by modern medicine and my doctor.
So I realize it's all me. I've gone through a lot in the past year. I've got off years of opiod addiction, got my brain back in order as far as depression with amino acids and diet modification. I'm no longer depressed.
I've quit smoking a few days ago. I have a diet that 99% of the population could not handle. However I'm now learnign that this diet perhaps is not the best as far as the endless raw vegetables in the blender, that's a new one for me.
This place is very confusing in the way information is organized. Everything is all over the place and the organization of the forum interface is a horror show if you ask me. It's 2009 and I think the forum needs an overhaul. I'd gladly donate money for this.
However I'm angry. I'm angry because I know that 99% of my anxiety problems are rooted in my stomach issues. This is what kills me and I don't yet have a solution.
However don't anyone ever point the finger at me and say that I'm not trying to fix myself. I'm scared. I'm scared of death and stomach cancer. I've been on prilosec for years and I'm learning of the bad effects this perhaps has had on my digestive system and I'm in fear. That's the honest truth.
Now perhaps we've stared on the wrong foot. I will vow to keep an open mind here, learn all I can, refrain from cussing and help maintain a good vibe in this place. The finger pointing and rough attitudes to nothing for any of us, so I respect what moreless is doing, he's helping people. I'm grateful for that. Perhaps we got off on the wrong foot, and I'm sorry. That said, lets start over. I've put up a couple new posts as this one has got out of control
Thank you,
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