Researcher, Diane M. Harper, blasts Gardasil HPV marketing
A lead researcher who spent 20 years developing the vaccine for human
papilloma virus says the HPV vaccine is not for younger girls, and that it is
"silly" for states to be mandating it for them.
inspiring personal story of triumph over leukemia
I guess it was maybe 2 months before they saw a big difference in my blood.
They didn't know what I was doing, and I said, "Well, I'm doing this diet
thing. I'm eating whole grains, beans and vegetables." They said, "That's very
nice honey, but what are you doing?" They called it spontaneous
regression and had no answer for it. They said, "Whatever you're doing, do it,
because something's changing."
Processed Meats Linked to 74 Percent Higher Risk of Leukemia
New research published in the journal BMC Cancer reveals that children who eat
processed meats like bacon, hot dogs and sausage are 74 percent more likely to
develop leukemia than children who avoid such processed meats and eat more
vegetables and tofu instead.
Vaccinations: Beware the fearfulby rudenski
18 more years I am still having to deal with my ignorant decision to vaccinate
my precious little child who is now an Autistic adult. I still talk calmly and
tell her I love her when she says the world is wrong and that she hates me...
but how can I blame her when I let them poison her with vaccinations?
Amalgam Fillings: Norway is first to ban mercury in teethby dquixote1217
Mercury has been banned from all dental fillings in Norway. Dentists in the
country had to start using safer alternatives as a matter of law from the
beginning of this year. The metal has also been banned from all products,
including measuring instruments.
Natural Help for Ovarian Cancerby Tony
The following information is in addition to the information contained in my
suggested anti-cancer protocol and it is highly recommended that anyone with
ovarian or any other form of cancer also take a good look at the protocol and
follow it as completely as possible.
Month Anniversary on Iodine: an update!by Miss
This list took eight months to get together. It did not happen in a few weeks.
The resonance of what was possible is what made me keep going. Don't stop,
keep diligent to your protocol and you'll watch things fall off your symptoms
Bone Spurs Gone !by refreshed
The year before starting this protocal I showed spurs forming and the next
year they were gone. I do not take any medications and nothing had been added
or changed in my diet other than adding these changes.
Clinical trial for oleander against HIV a huge successby Tony
All of the HIV patients improved significantly whereas all of the placebo
group continued to decline. Although the final report is still being printed,
Mr. Swanepoel has been kind enough to share a summary of his dissertation.
FBD, Angry about not being toldby spudlydoo
I am taking up to eight drops of Lugol's Iodine per day with selenium and
vitamin C as well. I have lived with FBD for years and it is now starting to
disappear, the lumps are no longer painful and are getting smaller.
Back Pain by
Dr Mom
In my 30's, I was in and out of a wheel-chair. In my 40's, I could play
basketball with my kids again - run and not fall from the excruciating pain.
In my 50's I can carry, wrestle and play with my grandchildren.
Heavy bleeding
Dr Mom
Seven years ago I was doing some extremely heavy bleeding - passing clots and
hemorrhaging - I was told I had to have a hysterectomy and a blood transfusion
or I would die. In three days the bleeding stopped, in 10 days I passed some
tissue, after 14 days my body went back to a 28 day cycle, with 3 days of
minimal bleeding, and I was passing fertility fluid like I was 20.
Breast Cancer and oleander success storyby dquixote1217
So she is a year past beating the odds. She is alive and well. Her tumor
counts continue to drop and she can no longer feel the tumor that was once
very large on her chest wall. This being the second bout of Breast Ca she was
very concerned about the chemo side effects because of here first experience.
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