Re: you asked for it, you got it! by tiratu ..... Liver Flush Support Forum
Date: 1/24/2003 1:43:39 AM ( 22 y ago)
Hits: 3,306
Coincidentally, I was having allergy testing done today at the Healing Centre, Level 4, Tanglin Place. As I am on day 16 of my fast, fasting and Liver Flushing came up with the practitioner John Yeo. I asked if he had ever done any liver flushing.
He replied that he did three years ago. Apparently, he had ended up in hospital in chronic pain.
The doctors thought that he had kidney stones, because of the type and the location of the pain. What they did find with the ultra sound were Gallstones and set about scheduling its removal.
John is a natural health practitioner and an acupuncturist and although he had not done a flush before, told me that he was familiar with them at that time and requested a month to try and sort things out before scheduling any surgery. He flushed and returned to the hospital a month later.
The ultra sound showed no stones and the doctor said that he must have made a mistake.
To quote John - "Not according to the contents of my freezer!"
What surprised me is that he hasn't done any flushing since.
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