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Re: I Need Help With Angular Cheilitis by BohemiaTom ..... Angular Cheilitis

Date:   2/4/2009 2:50:42 AM ( 16 y ago)
Hits:   69,786

Someone posted this on another website. It's pretty much a short-cut version of the one I posted. It might be an alternative someone may want to try first for someone who feels the version I wrote would dry out their lips too much. It wasn't easy to find. That Angular C---- Foundation is all over the Google search results.


How to Treat and Cure Angular Cheilitis at Home
12 January 2009 34 views No Comment

Angular Cheilitis is a condition that is not only extremely irritating, but can be very difficult to treat and eliminate. If you have very dry lips with little cracks on the corners of your mouth, then you probably are having an episode of Angular Cheilitis.

Angular Cheilitis can be caused by numerous things, but most commonly is simply due to dry environments caused by cold climates. If you are like me, you have probably searched everywhere on the internet for a treatment only to end up at a website wanting you to pay a ridiculous fee to download their “easy home treatment”. Don’t fall for this crap! I was so frustrated with my difficulty in finding help online that I decided to write this article to show how I managed to eliminate this problem.

1. Wash the cuts on the corner of your mouth with soap and water.
2. Apply antibacterial ointment on the cuts and then apply a liberal amount of Vaseline on your lips
3. Repeat step 2 until you start to see the cuts heal
4. Once the cuts begin to heal, stop using antibacterial ointment but continue to apply Vaseline on your lips to help with dryness. Do not use chapstick or other lip salves because these will just increase dryness and make the condition worse!
5. Be patient! It took me about 3 weeks to completely heal my cuts.

*Note: Do not use normal chapstick while you are healing. I found that anything other than Vaseline made my lips and cuts feel worse. I recommend buying a little tube of Vaseline lip ointment (sold at Target, and probably most big retailers for about a dollar) to apply when you are out of the house.

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