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Date:   2/3/2009 10:07:19 AM ( 16 y ago)
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We will print more money to solve the problem. It works every time!
IBSavior Obama | Homepage | 02.02.09 - 11:54 pm
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Arnold is incompetant.
Recall NOW!

We recalled Gray Davis for a helluva lot less.
gr8fuldaniel | Homepage | 02.03.09 - 12:24 am
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Stop being economic girlie men.
economic girlie men | Homepage | 02.03.09 - 12:31 am
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You know we had a legitimate election of Gray Davis that was stolen from the people of California and what did we get but this third rate actor who has screwed this states royally. Thank you Arnold. The one guy who possibly might get this state back to what it was is former Governor Brown. Get rid of this Republican and get a real politician in place who will work with the legislature. A recall of Davis that put us in a deep hole.
George | Homepage | 02.03.09 - 12:38 am
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And the L.A. Times finally admitted that 5 billion of the debt (probably a vast underestimate) is due to costs incurred by illegal aliens. They don't just come for the jobs, they come for the free (to them) services. Also, in remitting 10s of billions in wages back to their home countries, no state or local excise taxes are paid on those wages to pay for the overloaded services and infrastructure so the state goes broke. They are not good for the economy. They've helped break the CA economy.
Anonymous | Homepage | 02.03.09 - 12:44 am
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Bush created this mess going back to his sick grandpa senator. They wanted the US to go down in flames and it's happening. THE BUSH NAME IS THE ANTICHRIST
wtf!! | Homepage | 02.03.09 - 12:55 am
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Bush created this mess going back to his sick grandpa senator. They wanted the US to go down in flames and it's happening. THE BUSH NAME IS THE ANTICHRIST
wtf!! | Homepage | 02.03.09 - 12:55 am
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Remember the names of these idiots that you voted for so that you can confirm that you're an idiot too when you vote for them again.
Everybody in California should pay their taxes with an IOU.
Jizzmatic | Homepage | 02.03.09 - 1:00 am
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It's almost like they want people to protest in the streets. Amerikans are in a high state of denial and when they break from their slumber, it will not be good.
erik | Homepage | 02.03.09 - 1:11 am
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I hate to hurt tender feelings here but:

1. Deport illegal aliens.
2. No more benefits of ANY KIND to any illegal alien.
3. Outlaw anchor babies. Make the law clear.
4. Put employers of illegal aliens IN JAIL, NO EXCEPTIONS.
5. Build a 25-foot wall on the border with armed U.S. military personnel on the border with orders to shoot to kill. We must have a wall just like the Israelis have built with our tax money in "their" land. Nobody has DARED to criticize them for self-protection.
6. Allow only those who want to come here seasonally to WORK AND PAY TAXES, and chip them, to boot, where they can be monitored, to make sure they go back home when it is time.
7. Pass a law which forces Western Union to pay 25% fee on each transaction, to be put in a victims' fund to be paid out to victims of crimes committed to illegal aliens against American citizens. When the illegal alien have stopped running amok in this country, drop the fee.
8. Jail every politician who has voted for amnesty in the last 25 years for treason. See Article IV, Section IV of the Constitution.
8. Put any politician who says this CAN'T be done, in jail.
escapefromobamastan | Homepage | 02.03.09 - 1:13 am
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How many more states will go broke before the neo-con-poops in Washington D.C. realize that throwing taxpayer money at the few, the arrogant, the wealthiest is denying much-needed assistance for the many, the hard-working, the middle-class and poor, who will spend any of their tax money returned to them at local, small businesses, which will help stop the job loss bleeding.

If action doesn't occur soon, and the neo-con-poops don't pull their collective heads out, then we are assuredly headed for another Great Depression.

We are seeing a repeat of the Hoover years following the 1929 Stock Market Crash and the end of his disastrous Republican time in office, when unemployment went ballistic and a whole lot of small to medium-sized businesses dried up, thus adding more unemployed to the rolls.

Unfortunately for President Barack Obama, not only is he facing a bunch of Hooverite Republicans in Congress but he's accepted a bunch of Hooverite Blue Dog Democrats into his administration, making his chance of getting federal assistance to struggling states, and those currently unemployed or nearing unemployment, that much more difficult and remote.

The job loss bleeding first has to be staunched and then reversed, requiring a massive infusion of federal money into the lowest economic levels of our economy, an infusion which will relax revenue pressure on a whole lot of small to medium-sized businesses, making it possible for the owners of these businesses to keep employees instead of laying off workers which just adds more people to the unemployment rolls.

This vicious economic cycle MUST be stopped or we definitely are going to see some very, very tough times ahead.
The Oracle | Homepage | 02.03.09 - 1:17 am
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Yes we're broke but Arnie will still get his full pay check and his tax refund. Only the taxpayers will be denied their refunds and State workers will soon have to work and get paid an IOU. This is what happens when citizens elect a non english speaking pervert to be Govenor. Arnie's to busy looking for woman to feel on and needs a Hollywood scrpit to read because he can't think for himself. Maria has been carrying him since they got married and he's still brain dead. Arnie now wants to meet with Sarah Palin for a private talk at a hotel, oh nothing about Economy it's all personal.
Jackie | Homepage | 02.03.09 - 1:18 am
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If we had a real Governor instead of an actor and narcissist, maybe we would have a chance. Who elected that guy anyway? Oh yeah he was put in by the court. Notice any similarities?
Muldoon | Homepage | 02.03.09 - 1:37 am
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Behold the results of your years of unrelenting divisiveness Mr Limbaugh and Coulter (et al).
Hmmm | Homepage | 02.03.09 - 1:44 am
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I left in '78 - looks like not a moment too soon............
Notorious Kelly | Homepage | 02.03.09 - 2:06 am
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Sounds like political games to me.

This is ridiculous; raise taxes, reduce some services, grow up and get California running again.
Rolland Miller | Homepage | 02.03.09 - 2:18 am
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And yet, those same lawmakers still continue to receive their pay and even their per diems for travel, lodging, meals, etc., etc....

They (including the gov) been posturing largely for each other's benefit for months now while the state falls into junk status. Nice job, folks.

Wasn't this why we got rid of Davis? Because he couldn't balance the budget?
Crash2Parties | Homepage | 02.03.09 - 2:25 am
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We voted for him..Man what a mess he has made..
billy johnston | Homepage | 02.03.09 - 2:35 am
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The Terminator pulled off a coup against Gray Davis, decrying what was then a projected shortfall in the range of I think 10 billion. The Terminator was all about getting Cal-eeee-forn-eeyaah back in the black and HE was the one that was going to be able to do it. He even referred to Gray Davis as a girly man – that is how pathetic he was. Well, well, well.....look what a great job Arnold has done. F'ng idiot.
Brian | Homepage | 02.03.09 - 2:59 am
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Republicans bring financial disaster.

Had enough yet, California?
jimbo92107 | Homepage | 02.03.09 - 3:32 am
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AS THE WORLD TURNS... This article reminds me of Governor Davis, and The Governator's eagerness to TERMINATE HIM because ARNOLD wanted to BALANCE THE BUDGET. Actually, his political campaign was entirely based on criticizing Davis for his unability to balance the State's budget and that's why Arnold wanted his job. MR. TERMINATOR, PLEASE f***ING BALANCE THE BUDGET. 'NOUGH SAID.
BigPapa | Homepage | 02.03.09 - 3:48 am
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Well all good then, keep paying the parasites. Tax, you have paid to much, well that why it calld TAX, you pay! If you tried to keep the money, you would be in prison assuming you didn't get SWATed. That's the way of things. But it will get better, some wasters will be fired and you will be TAXed more. Problem solved.
fave | Homepage | 02.03.09 - 3:53 am
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Well I don't feel sorry for Cali.. They allowed themselve to be conned by that governator.

Hes another right wing joke.

He got into the governorship bashing the california government about how bad Cali politicians handle the state budget. He got the job and proved it!!
EnlightenedOne | Homepage | 02.03.09 - 3:54 am
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AmendForArnold. Let him f*** up the entire country like he's done to California. Stop voting for actors. They are for the most part m*o*o*ns.
mikefromtexas | Homepage | 02.03.09 - 3:55 am
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How much does Cali spend per day on maintaining its ever aging and increasing incarcerated population?

Is this really necessary?

Is this how we build a better society?

Somehow, I don't think they're really too interested in that.

Social services cut, prisons expanding.
Monsieur le Prof | Homepage | 02.03.09 - 5:12 am
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Disneyland fools: Too much pork and too little sense of priorities = bankruptcy.

Change the state seal to Bozo.
Doc Holiday | Homepage | 02.03.09 - 5:20 am
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The slow national Republican political suicide continues unabated.

They won't be satisfied until they are all out of office. Call them the Lemming Party.
Benway | Homepage | 02.03.09 - 5:36 am
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like all the other idiotic political decisions..."It hurts hardworking families the most"...great job ahnuld...
w.c. | Homepage | 02.03.09 - 5:57 am
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The Republican's in California... not satisfied with destroying public education starting in the late 70's... are holding California hostage with their (as usual) impossible demands of less taxation, less government)... and as usual, they don't really have a plan, except the destruction of infrastructure and the things that government really must take care of. When will this plague leave our earth?
normanx | Homepage | 02.03.09 - 6:07 am
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The world, as we know it, has come to an end.

Sorry to be so cheerful this morning.
jerry walters | Homepage | 02.03.09 - 6:41 am
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This is what happens with lay offs and job losses. Where do people think it comes from? The more people you have out of work, the more we will see this happen. Which state is next? This whole darned thing has been engineered from the get go. Our jobs have gone overseas. Nothing more valuable than a country full of slaves who will take anything to feed their families. Watch where this one goes.
maggie | Homepage | 02.03.09 - 6:47 am
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Republican govt. at its best. Alaska just lost 1 billion dollars because they put their reserve in stock market like they wanted to do with our social security..Bush bankrupts wverything he touchs..
Anonymous | Homepage | 02.03.09 - 7:02 am
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end of american dream.. great. the worse has not come yet. lolz. die from hunger!
Ali | Homepage | 02.03.09 - 7:22 am
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Yup - the entire United States is insolvent.

Time to look at the ACTUAL agenda, who the individuals are behind it, and what they actually have planned for your "future."

anonymous | Homepage | 02.03.09 - 7:44 am
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Well this is bound to happen in a paper fiat money economy. Free trade hollowed out the economy, Keynesian economics run amok for 40 years, no gold standard, large government with a three strikes law throwing pot smokers in jail for nothing. All this spending should have finished them long ago.
Well Well Well | Homepage | 02.03.09 - 7:51 am
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Ahnuld unseated a sitting Gov under the recall process for fiscal we see he ( Ahnuld ) has driven California on the rocky shoals of financial insolvency, but hey? Hes a Republican, thats what they do?
So where is the outarge? why doesnt he do the honorable thing and resign? Why is there no hue and cry for his resignation?
Please? Enlighten me?
pitbullstew | Homepage | 02.03.09 - 8:18 am
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Holding our taxes? That seems like it's unconstitutional to me.

So we have oath breakers running the f***ing country
F4 Phantom | Homepage | 02.03.09 - 8:23 am
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IF there is no budget, then the bastards that say they can't agree on a budget should pay themselves the entire balance. Zero pay, Zero benefits, Zero Housing, Zero Lodging, ZERO IT OUT FIRE THEM!
F4 Phantom | Homepage | 02.03.09 - 8:33 am
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Well we solved the problem of non-representative, non-responsive, self serving and repressive government 233 years ago with a popular revolution. It worked out splendidly for about 150 years.Looks like we need another one. Looks like it will start in California instead of my home state of Massachusetts this time. Don't fire until you see the whites of their eyes boys.

Fred in Boston
Fred54 | Homepage | 02.03.09 - 8:41 am
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First the Bush Administration eagerly allows Enron to scam California realizing multi-billions on their energy scam-fraud only to blame and set-up Gov. Davis for a recall to install GOP neocon Arno a "movie star" incompetent, stupid, and can barely speak English knowing nothing at all about legislative procedure and process balancing a budget and stablizing an economy. Arno doesn't even have a undergraduate or graduate degree much less he didn't even attend high-school in the U.S.

Californians were 100% behind this steroid-pumped up narcissist "movie star" destroying the number one economy in the U.S. takin a cue from his handler Dubya fabricating the biggest criminal heist in the history of this country for his criminal wall street darlins causing a catastrophic financial economic crisis.

If California wants to recover -you better kick his ass out and hold a honest election to install a competent qualified experienced credentialed intelligent and honest governor who knows what she or he is doing oh that's right keep horny sexed-up p 0 r no arno cause he's a movie-star governor it's sexy.
bugsie | Homepage | 02.03.09 - 8:54 am
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First the Bush Administration eagerly allows Enron to scam California realizing multi-billions on their energy scam-fraud only to blame and set-up Gov. Davis for a recall to install GOP neocon Arno a "movie star" incompetent, stupid, and can barely speak English knowing nothing at all about legislative procedure and process balancing a budget and stablizing an economy. Arno doesn't even have a undergraduate or graduate degree much less he didn't even attend high-school in the U.S.

Californians were 100% behind this steroid-pumped up narcissist "movie star" destroying the number one economy in the U.S. takin a cue from his handler Dubya fabricating the biggest criminal heist in the history of this country for his criminal wall street darlins causing a catastrophic financial economic crisis.

If California wants to recover -you better kick his ass out and hold a honest election to install a competent qualified experienced credentialed intelligent and honest governor who knows what she or he is doing oh that's right keep horny sexed-up p 0 r no arno cause he's a movie-star governor it's sexy.
bugsie | Homepage | 02.03.09 - 8:54 am
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Yes most of this is because of the illegal mexicans, this country plus the state of CA. can hardly afford healthcare for it's own people, let alone the poor from mexico!
BobBobonde | Homepage | 02.03.09 - 9:05 am
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Thanks a lot "Ahh knold" Time to Terminate the Terminator
Being President | Homepage | 02.03.09 - 9:13 am
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FLIES TO SHIT | Homepage | 02.03.09 - 9:54 am
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morons on parade again | Homepage | 02.03.09 - 10:01 am
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I've got 2 words for you Arnold:

So we didn't need it, eh?
suzyque | Homepage | 02.03.09 - 10:08 am
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In California we have the worst politicians on earth. And the m*o*o*ns in California keep re-electing these losers. The politicians keep doing this year after year. And people are too lazy come election time, to look at the qualifications of someone else running for the job. They don't want to put in the time to vett these new people.

And of course Arnold is an idiot. I would never vote an actor in for anything. People have short memories. They have forgotten what Reagan did to this state. And Arnold wanted to have the Constitution set aside so that a non-American born person could be President. He actually said that.

In this case the Republicans and Democrats are to blame for this yearly debacle. They work for themselves not us. They are selfish, stupid and short sighted.
carol hartford | Homepage | 02.03.09 - 10:16 am
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Don't blame me!

I voted for Gary Coleman.
NonKaleefourkneeuhan | Homepage | 02.03.09 - 10:17 am
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Here's my issue with all of those complaining about illegal aliens. People should come into this country legally. Period. Agree with you there. BUT -- don't let the elite trick you all into focusing the anger AT the illegals. Seriously. WTF? I cannot and will not blame people for wanting to cash in on the American dream. Even if they do it illegally. Why not? Because the problem isn't the poor people of Mexico and elsewhere seeking a better life (my ancestors were poor and seeking a better life, too). The problem is the companies and wealthy people who hire them 1) to get cheap labor that won't complain about the treatment b/c they can't and 2) to avoid paying taxes and giving benefits. IF YOU STOP THOSE WHO ARE HIRING THEM -- THEY WILL STOP COMING! You don't need a fence. Are illegals going to risk their lives or pay $$$ to be smuggled in if they know they can't find work? No. They do it b/c they know they will always be able to find some greedy Americans willing to sell out their fellow Americans to save a buck. Yes, there is the issue of "anchor" babies -- but again -- if we change that, they'll stop coming.

THEY are not your problem. Your greedy fellow citizens are. It is high time we make American companies and individuals who HIRE illegals pay. Put them out of business or in jail. Or both.

The anti-immigrant stuff just makes us seem racist. Especially coming from a nation of immigrants. Once again -- the wealthy want to pit us against each other so they continue to get away scot free. I suggest we stop falling for that crap.

If we don't stop the rich from ripping us off and sending our jobs overseas, pretty soon the immigrants won't be coming here anyway b/c they'll be NO jobs for anyone and chances are, the peso will have more value than the dollar.
Scarlett | Homepage | 02.03.09 - 10:21 am
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Arnold is a no tax republican...that is the problem. They also still have some bad laws on the books that are attributed to he great Ronnie Reagan...the same one who is responsible for the philosophy that put this country where it is today.
kasinca | Homepage | 02.03.09 - 10:29 am
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Arnold is a no tax republican...that is the problem. They also still have some bad laws on the books that are attributed to he great Ronnie Reagan...the same one who is responsible for the philosophy that put this country where it is today.
kasinca | Homepage | 02.03.09 - 10:29 am
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Yeah, how you likin Da Termahnator now, CA? I can understand the first time, but RE-ELECTING that clown? Yikes.

You'd think you would've learned your lesson with the OTHER great repugly f***up Reagan who ALSO wrecked your state, but NOOOOOOOO, you gotta keep electing actors as Governors because it's "cool" or whatever.

See what happens when you let a repugly run ANY damn thing?? Everything they touch turns to shit in short order.
r5 | Homepage | 02.03.09 - 10:36 am
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CA always leads the nation.....
hadenuf | Homepage | 02.03.09 - 10:42 am
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These state budget problems are the direct result of too many years of irresponsible tax cutting, especially at the higher tax brackets.
JGer | Homepage | 02.03.09 - 10:42 am
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