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chemtrails over oregon by trapper/kcmo ..... Chemtrails Support Forum

Date:   2/1/2009 2:47:43 PM ( 15 y ago)
Hits:   2,797

interesting article and banter in the responses.

Circular contrail over Corvallis A circular contrail over Corvallis about 3 p.m. Thursday caught the eye of of a number of mid-valley residents,

What’s that up in the sky?
By Alex Paul
Gazette-Times reporter

Jet trail has mid-valley looking up, imaginations soaring

A misguided passenger airliner?

A military jet on maneuvers?

A visitor from another planet who decided not to stick around?

An interesting jet contrail over Corvallis Thursday afternoon had some Mid-Valley folks scratching their heads. Contrails over the area are a daily event, since it’s a busy flyway for aircraft into and out of Portland International Airport.

But Thursday’s contrail was unusual. It was a long conical shape, open on one side with a point at one end and a loop-the-loop at one end that looked like an O within an oval. Depending on who you asked, it looked like a teenager was out for a joyride in his father’s car and couldn’t resist cutting a cookie high in the air, not on the asphalt.

“If there was a solid mass creating it, we would be able to see it, but there’s nothing on our radar. Everything we see is going in a straight path,” said Mike Fergus, a spokesman for the Federal Aviation Administration office in Renton, Wash. “This is purely a guess on my part, but it could be connected with some type of military operation that created it in their fly area. Because it’s up so high, may have moved it and it kept it’s basic shape.”

Fergus added, “how realistic that is, I don’t know.”

Fergus said he’s seen stranger things happen during his years with the FAA and the U.S. Air Force.

“I’ve seen a contrail in the shape of a ‘U’ before,” Fergus said. “It was like someone made a U-turn, but it wasn’t a closed loop.”

A Polk County employee’s sighting may back up Fergus’ suggestion. She sent the following note to the Gazette-Times about 4:45 p.m Thursday: “We watched the plane make the design in the sky earlier this afternoon from our office windows that face west from the Polk County Courthouse. It is neat that it drifted so far and looked pretty much the same as when it started.”

But another viewer noted, “I got a shot of this unusual trail also. I’m an aircraft mechanic and that does not seem like a condensation trail to me.”

A contrail is a condensation trail left behind jet airplanes. They form when hot air form the jet’s exhaust systems mixes with cool, low vapor air. A cloud-like shape is formed. The duration of a control can be affected by how much water vapor is in the air. The more water vapor the longer the control can last.

Anyone who took photos of the contrail are invited to send them along to us at:

Alex Paul can be reached at or at 758-9526.
GT Reader Comments
The comments below are from readers of and in no way represent the views of the Gazette Times or Lee Enterprises.

bbeeper wrote on Jan 29, 2009 9:26 PM:
" I watched what appeared to me to be a jet do almost the same thing a few days ago. When I saw it earlier in the week I called my husband to check it out. I noticed it again today, but noted that it had circled twice this time. Last time I watched as it turned around and made a long U, heading back to the north from where it had come from. We figured it was either an airliner having a problem or a military plane doing an operation. Since it happened again today, seems more likely to be a military operation. The mystery continues.... "

erh wrote on Jan 30, 2009 7:44 AM:
" uh, seriously, this is your lead story? "

Bob Loblaw wrote on Jan 30, 2009 7:48 AM:
" Aliens casing out a Carl's Jr.......mystery solved. "

Aristan wrote on Jan 30, 2009 7:58 AM:
" I saw tat yesterday and a u-turn a couple of days ago. My money is Boeing testing jets out up in Seattle. "

bartok wrote on Jan 30, 2009 8:07 AM:
" I work in Monmouth and watched the aircraft approach from the north, make two full circles and head northwest. This was around 2pm, and the circle slowly drifted for sometime afterwards. "

simplebystander wrote on Jan 30, 2009 9:22 AM:
" This is indicitave of a Soviet Bear-Foxtrot turn around that we were chasing back in the 60's. It was part the riavalry between the two countires. The Soviets would jam our radar and fly into our airspace. The next day we would do it back to them. Hell of alot of fun. It would appear that the Russians have come up with a new device to avoid our radar. More fun from our friends over the pole. "

nonnelb wrote on Jan 30, 2009 10:04 AM:
" Actually, I found out what happened. The wicked witch of the east was trying to write "Obama" in the sky, and got a call that she was urgently needed at her dark castle. "

Jules wrote on Jan 30, 2009 10:37 AM:
" Dear GT: It's not a "control", it's a conTRAIL.

It can come from any airplane under the right conditions.

I'd be more impressed if the contrail didn't have the big loop in it. Airplanes don't make Y-turns, they make big round ones. If this contrail showed a sharp turn, I'd think it was unusual.

As it is, it's probably a plane that was practicing instrument flying and made a two-turn holding pattern and then went back the way it came. Nothing spectacular. "

Donl wrote on Jan 30, 2009 11:34 AM:
" nonnelb - Thanks for the chuckle! "

Tara wrote on Jan 30, 2009 2:35 PM:
" Like others, I watched a jet make a u-turn over Corvallis about a week ago. Even with binoculars, it was very difficult to make out any details about the aircraft. Yesterday, I watched the aircraft that described this lovely contrail--which was very much a work of art and skill by the pilot--coming out of his final turn and head back north. Thanks, whoever you are, for your artistry. "

camphoneguy wrote on Jan 30, 2009 4:07 PM:
" I've posted photos of the event at
both the circle and the u-turn. I've sen the u-turns before and thought maybe that it was something from Boeing but if it's not on the radar??? A friend of mine said they'd see SR71s on the radar but new stealth stuff- maybe not. I looked at it with binoculars and it looked like a large jet with the engines on the wing- just silver with no color patterns. Hmmm.... "

solrey wrote on Jan 30, 2009 5:38 PM:
" We live on the west side of Corvallis towards Philomath. The loop drifted right over our house! It persisted for a very long time as it was spreading out, not dissipating, and appeared to descend slowly while drifting to the east. This doesn't seem like a normal contrail. The way it abruptly ends on the return to the north is strange. It should have just continued on like the incoming southbound trail since it was within the same airmass. If it was a Boeing test flight I'm sure they would have filed a flight plan with the FAA. "

bobbyharenmekiester wrote on Jan 30, 2009 9:46 PM:
" I wouldn't be surprised if what we are looking at is a chemtrail. Ever hear of those? Well, they exist, whether anyone wants to admit it or not. Maybe the pilot had a moment of consciousness and decided to get our attention. There are so many things going on in this country right now that we don't know about, it would make us want to revolt. Mark my words, there are very difficult days ahead for all of us. "

chemtrail watcher wrote on Jan 31, 2009 4:37 AM:
" This is not a contrail. Contrails are made up of water vapor that dissipates by natural means. This is a chemtrail that our goverment or branch of goverment is authorizing to be sprayed in our skys all over the world. YOU ARE NOW BREATHING ETHYLENE DIBROMIDE, NANO-PARTICULATES OF ALUMINUM AND BARIUM AND CATIONIC POLYMER FIBERS WITH UNIDENTIFIED BIOACTIVE MATERIAL: "We the people have not been warned, advised or consulted but are certainly vulnerable to the outcomes. Biologic components have been reported in airborne samples that include: modified molds, desiccated red blood cells and exotic strains of bacteria" Additionally, award winning investigative reporter, Will Thomas, has reported findings of over 300 types of virally mutated fungi in the chemtrail fall out. The Idaho Observer has reported findings of 26 metals including barium, aluminum and uranium, a variety of infectious pathogens and chemicals and drugs including sedatives in chemtrail fallout. Dr.R. Michael Castle reports the finding of cationic polymer fibers. Others have reported findings of tiny parasitic nematode eggs of some type encased in the fibers. Researcher Clifford Carnicom has reported finding chemtrails fibers that are an exact match with the bizarre fibers found in those suffering from Morgellons Disease. Welcome to the brave new world of toxic barium skies, weather control, mind control and population control through the use of chemtrails modulated with electromagnetic frequencies generated by HAARP. Our health is under attack as evidenced by the skyrocketing rates of chemtrail induced lung cancer, asthma and pulmonary/respiratory problems as well as the emergence of a new plague, Morgellons Disease, an infection with a new and unknown pathogen that is seriously disabling and disfiguring. Over 12,000 families in the U.S. are now infected with Morgellons. I am one of the infected. Our skies are increasingly hazed over with fake barium/ aluminum particulate, ethylene dibromide chemtrail clouds. Whether in the atmosphere or in the Ocean this added particulate matter is a hazard to the health of every living thing on this planet. My health and the health of my family has already been drastically affected. There is a main-stream media blackout on this subject so the only way to get the word out is by word of mouth. People are already dying because of the chemtrails. Life expectancy is down. This situation presents an immediate and serious threat to you, your family and loved ones. We must join together to stop this insane program of chemtrail spraying now. Please do what you can to help.

skyman wrote on Jan 31, 2009 10:23 AM:
" These are Chemtrails, I live in Eugene and have been documenting full time the Chemtrail Aerosol Spray Operation for the last three years, this morning their must have been 10 to 15 Chemtrails going north/south and I cannot believe that these are commercial flights all at the same time on a saturday morning and where is the FAA spacing requirments? these Chemtrail planes have no airspace restrictions like normal commercial jet traffic, On the same day at the same time at the same flight altitudes you can clearly see the normal jet traffic with normal Contrails......and then come the Chemtrail planes with their billowing persistant Chemtrails that spread out over the sky, I have many photos that show the start and stop of the spraying right over the city area which tells me they are targeting the populace, keep a camera handy and watch the sky. "

jamesspencer1980 wrote on Jan 31, 2009 2:01 PM:
" Hmm, ethylene dobrominde, nano-particles, "bioactive material," chemtrails, Ru SSKI bombers, and even an outdated SR71! Wow. But I am disappointed no one said "mother ship." What is most amazing is how ordinary Joe-six-pack has such detailed information in what is purported to be top-secret government experiments. But I guess the government or those ever mysterious "governments" must be aware of this now and hence no longer attempting stealth, doing these black-ops during the broad day of light, the brazen cocky little b*stards.

But, ah... Just one little, humble proposal: Could this be what it appears indeed to be and the simplest and most reasonable of all possibilities: a contrail from a jet that made a few turns before heading back out?

Nah, scratch that insane suggestion. It's definitely aliens and the CIA working with ex-KGB. Yep, that's it for sure. "

9Fin wrote on Jan 31, 2009 4:52 PM:
" Well I can tell you I've seen this many times before. I believe it has something to do with a "Flux Capacitator". First you see the flying object and then it streaks so fast that all it leaves is a trail. The emission is usually caused by the cast-off materials used for the fuel. "

solrey wrote on Jan 31, 2009 5:09 PM:
" Well I am an aircraft mechanic, far from a "joe-six-pack" and was highly skeptical about Chemtrails until Thursday. That was not a condensation trail and that tight turn radius is not possible in a commercial airliner. Maybe Mr. Jamesspencer can explain the metallic taste myself and a couple of other people experienced all afternoon Thursday which didn't really go away until late that night. I'm curious if anyone else on the West side of Corvallis experienced this taste as well. "

jamesspencer1980 wrote on Feb 1, 2009 1:27 AM:
" solrey, aircraft mechanic or not, you would be wrong about the turning abilities of a large airliner, as the recent "Miracle on the Hudson" showed, in which the pilot made a tight turn on short notice, pulling off an amazing life-safing manuver. Additionally, at virtually any major city, you can routinely see airliners circling in their holding stacks near the major airports, often generating these kinds of contrails, which typically are creating when the aircraft is climbing or turning. That all said, you and some others seem to be making all sorts of major assumptions about the size of this contrail. Curious: How high you think that contrail is and how wide? If you see the blown-up image on the C2C website, it is clear this is a large object, roughly a half mile to a mile wide and a good mile and a half to two miles up. Moreover, the contrails are clearly created in the curve and thin out as the trail straightens. As for the "metal taste" in your mouth. This could be caused by many things from tooth abscesses, gastritis, pyrosis, postnasal drip, to jaundice, oral infection and even fish poisoning. So unless the community of Corvallis is or had experienced this metalic taste you decribe, perhaps you should go see a dentist and lay off fish for a while. I will still make the most reasonable assumption that this was not worthy of X-Files fame but a jet plane creating contrails during its turns. "

1234321 wrote on Feb 1, 2009 8:45 AM:
" " Hmm, ethylene dobrominde, nano-particles, "bioactive material," chemtrails, Ru SSKI bombers, and even an outdated SR71! Wow. But I am disappointed no one said "mother ship." What is most amazing is how ordinary Joe-six-pack has such detailed information in what is purported to be top-secret government experiments. But I guess the government or those ever mysterious "governments" must be aware of this now and hence no longer attempting stealth, doing these black-ops during the broad day of light, the brazen cocky little b*stards.

But, ah... Just one little, humble proposal: Could this be what it appears indeed to be and the simplest and most reasonable of all possibilities: a contrail from a jet that made a few turns before heading back out?

Nah, scratch that insane suggestion. It's definitely aliens and the CIA working with ex-KGB. Yep, that's it for sure. "

It sure is interesting that someone makes a point and some one else has to come and relate 'chemtrails' to UFO's. Really now, you must be over fluoridated. Read a damn book, unless your some crazy that actually believes water vapor can just sit there like that and create clouds. Chemtrails are documented world wide and aren't really hidden. The US and Briton are the only ones that deny it completely. Russia is fairly open about their spraying; especially when they drop bags of cement of peoples houses. Anyway since these don't exist you should go talk to some pilots, they will have some interesting stories, especially if your a fellow mason/ religious brother. "

1234321 wrote on Feb 1, 2009 8:54 AM:
" UFO's are just a load of crap fed by the government to hide what was actually going on in Roswell. If you know anyone that worked there, it was there to test new tech's. Not make UFO's from an alien one or anything silly like that. To be honest nothing can get through the van allen belt except meteors, computers,ect. It's not likely that anything like a ship is coming through if we cant even send a ship past it. This may be contrary to what you see on tv, but do the math; talk to engineers, learn how the universe works. We make it hard for each other by babbling about UFO's when someone is talking about a very serious health issue. Good luck everyone.. "

Barefoot wrote on Feb 1, 2009 9:44 AM:
" I think it is a military jet looking for WMDs. "

crazy canuck wrote on Feb 1, 2009 9:45 AM:
" i'm certainly surprised that no one, who is the least bit curious, has mentioned asking the local on-duty air traffic controllers or the FAA their opinion. i'm sure they would have tracked the flight on radar, and would have, at least, some info to add to the varied thoughts and conspiracies theories applied here. better to speculate than to know? "

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