Re: Parasite Cleanse by Iris ..... Liver Flush Support Forum
Date: 1/14/2003 8:23:16 PM ( 22 y ago)
Hits: 2,517
This question has been discuss many times on this forum, try to locate previous discussions.
I tried both, and I believe that tincture is better. I believe that direct contact of your mouth with any herb you are taking is very important, especially if herb is used to stimulate healing!
In order to experience all healing benefits, you should feel the taste of the herb. That is very true for Wormwood , Cloves and Black-Walnut . Each herb has it's specific taste. Wormwood is extremelly bitter, making your stomach and your liver move as soon as you start chewing on it. Cloves are hot/spicy, making blood rush into your head. Black-Walnut is bitter/pungent, making your intestines move. Take fresh Wormwood in your mouth, and chew it. It will stimulate digestion the way capsules can never do.
Other thing that you should know is that once Black-Walnut is dry, it looses more then 90% of it's natural healing power.
The primary active constituent in Juglans nigra is a naphthoquinone known as juglone. Found in the unripe hulls of Black Walnut, juglone exerts anti-fungal, anti-helminthic(against parasites), anti-viral and anti-bacterial effects.
There has been considerable scientific attention paid to juglone and its cytotoxic properties, and it has been found be very active against bacterial, fungal, and parasitic cells. The mechanism of action is not fully understood, but one theory suggests that the chemicals attacks the cell membrane and causes the cell to die.
Hulda Clark recommends ONLY taking tincture of Black Walnut, because tincture can preserve and extract juglone.
Black Walnut contains juglone, natural toxin, able to afect parasites. Juglone is poorly soluble in water, but is soluble in Alcohol. Solubility is also another reason why many herbs are much better if taken as alcohol tincture.
Read Dr. Schulze 's books, he often talks about how important it is to actually use Grain Alcohol when making tinctures.
Juglone is a napthoquinone derivative, 5-hydroxy 1:4 napthoquinone, found as a natural product of the black walnut.
Napthoquinones are phenolic structures. Juglone is the most widely known and studied compound in the black walnut and has been identified in the roots, fruits, and leaves of the plant. Seven other napthoquinones have also been identified in the black walnut. The seven other napthoquinones in Juglans nigra are
2,3-dihydro-5-hydroxy-2-methyl-1,4=napthalenedione (B-hydroplumbagin>
5-hydroxy-2-methyl-1,4-napthoquinone (plumbagin)
2,3-dihydro-5-hydroxy-1,4-napthalenedione (B-hydrojuglone)
Many members of the walnut family (Juglandaceae) produce Juglone in their tissues. Production is highest in black walnut (Juglans nigra) and butternut (Juglans cinerea), with members of the genus Carya producing minimal amounts.
This is what Dr. Schulze say about capsules or tincture in his book "Curing with Cayenne"
excerpted from the book
BISER: How can you say cayenne capsules are bad? I've heard from readers who took cayenne in capsules and got great results!
SCHULZE: Well, fine. But I had thousands of patients who did the same and who did not get
well - until they took my cayenne orally. I had many patients come in, and I loved to test them.
BISER: What does 'test' mean?
SCHULZE: I used to do "herbal experiments" with their approval. I had hundreds of patients who would say, "Oh, I've been using cayenne pepper for years. I take this; I take that. I've been using it every day for 14 years."
So I would sit them down and would either give them some cayenne tincture or some cayenne powder directly in the mouth.
They would tell me that it was like they had never used cayenne pepper before. They would say, "I heard my ears pop; I felt a rush of blood to my head. I can feel tingling in my feet and toes." They would give me responses that they never had from taking cayenne pepper for 10, 12, 14, 15 years.
One thing really became evident to me in the clinic: There is only oneway to take cayenne, and that is right in the mouth.
BISER: When my readers say, "Hey, I don't need Schulze, I'm already taking cayenne," they were like your patients when they first walked in?
SCHULZE: Yeah, and again, you are only getting a small part of the potential effect of cayenne pepper by taking it in the wrong way.
I would give these patients just real tiny amounts. These people might have been taking eight or ten capsules for ten years, and I would give them a drop or a pinch of cayenne.
BISER: Not even your therapeutic dose?
SCHULZE: Not even close. And I never had anybody that just didn't go "Holy ----," and hold onto their ears or whatever - and notice a big difference.
What was going on is that much of cayenne's healing action occurs right in your mouth. As cayenne touches your tongue, the cayenne absorbs in seconds and nerve endings send signals throughout the body - sending waves of fresh blood to wherever you are sick. New healing begins in seconds. These surges of fresh blood do not occur when you bypass the mouth by taking capsules.
"In an emergency, a capsulated product is the slowest acting. The person could be stone-cold dead by the time the capsule opens up and goes to work."
BISER: What about people who don't like the taste of cayenne in their mouth?
SCHULZE: Just stay sick. The most minor medical treatments are much more debilitating than a little hot pepper in your mouth.
For people not used to it, they just need to work their way up.One problem people have is that they blow their mind or their mouth - right off the bat. For some who have never used cayenne pepper, a good initial dosage is 1/16th of a teaspoonful in some juice.
Most of my patients were sensitive at first. Those same people, in three or four months, would be taking two dropperfuls of my most potent tonic. Some people end up taking six or more dropperfuls a day of cayenne tincture. You build up an ability to use it, just like with anything else. It's not like you need to start off with a whole teaspoon in the mouth - and then hold on to the arms of your chair.
BISER: If all this is so, then why do herb companies promote cayenne incapsules?
SCHULZE: They want to sell more. It's for their benefit - not yours. The companies say, "How do we get a broader market? Let's make our herbal customers real comfortable." But then the capsules don't work and the patient has to go and get their leg sawed off.
If you want to take herbs, and not notice anything going on with your body, and not be made uncomfortable in any way, and not have any cleansing occur - then take drugs.
It's a shame, because a hundred years ago, cayenne was considered to be one of the most powerful herbs on the planet. Nowadays, it has become more of a fad, and people are not getting the healing response that they are due by taking this herb.
They are taking it the wrong way.
BISER: But all herbalism today is based on herbal capsules!
SCHULZE: This wasn't the way the old-time herbalists practiced. It wasn't the way my teacher, the late Dr. John Christopher, practiced. He got his results with teas and tinctures.
Capsules disconnect people from the herbs they take, so that they have no personal idea whether they are getting good or lousy quality. Capsules also prevent people from getting a reaction in their mouths, which was what Nature intended.
Another great reason not to take cayenne in capsules is that they can make you real sick. They won't cause permanent damage, but you can suffer greatly. Capsules can give you a stomach cramp that will double you over.
When you put cayenne in your mouth, your stomach secretes digestive juices before the cayenne ever gets there. So when the cayenne gets down there, your stomach is all ready for it.
But if you swallow a capsule, your tongue tastes nothing; a capsule goes down in your stomach, and your stomach notices nothing - at first. Then, five minutes later the gelatin bursts, and you have a 1/2 teaspoon of cayenne pepper in your stomach and your body goes into shock. You surprised it. "Where did this come from?"
"When you take cayenne in capsules, you get a punch in the stomach. It's a very different reaction. It's like no warm-up or stretch before you do vigorous physical exercise."
BISER: It's like jumping on a treadmill and running!
SCHULZE: Right. After you wake up out of bed, you leap onto the treadmill, within ten seconds, and go for a ten mile an hour run.
Your body will cramp, because you're forcing blood to the muscles before they're ready. So this is what happens when you take that capsule cayenne. You get an almost uncontrollable cramping of those organs, and you just bend right over. If someone is ill with Gallstones or has a stomach ulcer, this can be absolutely the wrong way to do it. You can make yourself worse.
After years in the clinic, I think it is a dangerous thing to do.
BISER: So using a lower potency cayenne in capsules is not an answer for people who want to go the mild route?
SCHULZE: Why bother? The cayenne in capsules is low quality, in spite of fancy labels and "high potency" claims. Most cayenne sold comes from third-world countries and is highly sprayed with pesticides. It doesn't work. Patients who used it stayed sick - until I blew their health problems open with the "right stuff."
The lower-heat cayennes are a lot less efficient, and they are the ones that are most highly contaminated. These are the ones you see labeled for 40,000 heat units. They are the ones imported from God knows where: Egypt, China, and so on. These are the ones to stay away from.
The companies pay around $2 per pound for this kind of cayenne.Compare that to the up-to-$20 per pound I have paid for the great, organically-grown stuff.
You can't go by labels. I had a bunch of cayenne yesterday that was just garbage - but the label was impressive. It claimed a 90,000 heat unit, which is high for cayenne pepper in healthfood stores. Cayenne pepper is usually 40, 60 or 70. But I would have rated this stuff at more like 8,000 - or 5,000. It barely warmed my mouth.
A lot of people claim high heat on particular cayennes. But when you taste them, they are really pathetic. So there is some real garbage out there that is not going to help anybody.
BISER: One popular herbal author said there is no scientific proof that cayenne pepper improves circulation. Any comment?
SCHULZE: Yeah - so it must be my imagination that your face turns red when you eat it.
Or maybe your face does turn red, but that's not blood? What is it, food coloring ? What an idiot! Then he should just peel the skin off a ripe Habanero pepper, stick it up his ass, and see if he has any increase in his circulation. An idiot!
BISER: You talk about different dosages of cayenne for different health problems. Most people say, "What's the big deal? You take 3-6 capsules a day. Who needs to know about dosage?"
SCHULZE: Cayenne is very dosage-related, like most herbs.
The dose you need to relieve a sore throat is very different than the dose you need for intestinal bleeding, which is very different than the dose you need for a heart attack or a brain hemorrhage.
So, if you take the dose that is proper for a sore throat, hoping that is going to stop Uncle Harry's heart attack, you're going to watch him turn blue and die.
On the other hand, if you take the dose you'd use for a cerebral hemorrhage, and use that for a sore throat, you may end up aggravating yourself instead of feeling better.
So dosage in relation to cayenne is very important.
How Dr. Schulze became the world's only expert oncuring with cayenne.
BISER: How did you come to know all of this about cayenne? I assume that when you started, you were like everybody else. You didn't become Professor Cayenne on the first day?
SCHULZE: No, I didn't. One of the things I knew after reading books and especially hearing Dr. Christopher's stories is that cayenne would be a big healer for my heart.
So I started the way your readers do. I swallowed about four capsules of cayenne pepper and I remember lying on the floor, contracted, lying on my side, but bent over at the waist, and I couldn't move. I could only moan for about 30 minutes and that was from the dosage suggested in one of the books.
I learned immediately that was not the way to take cayenne. I also learned about the quality of cayenne pepper - because at first I didn't notice any difference with my heart or my circulation.
"Today, a lot of cayenne sold has been overheated by processing machines, and the healing ability has been 'cooked' right out of it."
BISER: Most people would think that if you take any amount of cayenne, your condition gets better.
SCHULZE: No, that's not what happened to me or my patients.
There is more to cayenne than just heat. There are flavonoids in cayenne that will heal heart cells and protect your heart. There are vitamins in cayenne pepper that will destroy bacteria and increase your immune system. The lower quality the cayenne, the less healing occurs.
A lot of the cayenne I've seen has a smoky smell and a dark color to it. It's been heated very high during the powdering process, so a lot of the other nutrients that were in there, enzymes and so on, are gone.
BISER: And when did you find out you had to do better?
SCHULZE: Well, I started becoming a connoisseur.
I first noticed that the hot sauce in a Chinese restaurant in NewYork, around the corner from where I lived, made me feel better than the cayenne I bought at the local healthfood store.
I knew right off the bat, "Okay, we've got a problem here: why is the chili pepper in the hot sauce, if it's sitting on the table half-rancid, why is it working better for me than the supposedly best cayenne I'm buying in a healthfood store?
BISER: So you started smartening up?
SCHULZE: I noticed that the cayenne in the hot sauce started relieving my angina pains, started making my heart beat on a more regular basis - and beat slower.
I wasn't noticing that at all from the healthfood store stuff.
I remember talking to the man who owned the Chinese restaurant. I asked him where he got his hot sauce and how he made it. He showed me the chilies he was using.
One thing I find interesting is that the chilies he was using were supposedly the same variety sold by the big herb companies. He wasn't using any real exotic chilies; they were just fresh cayenne peppers at 40,000 heat units. They were the same thing that I was supposedly taking in the capsules, but again, the capsules were powdered. His cayennes were fresh. And that was the reason I was starting to get cured.
The chilies from the restaurant still had their Vitamin A and their Vitamin C and the enzymes and the flavonoids, and all of the other known and unknown things that get destroyed when you heat
something up.
But when the herb companies over-grind and overheat cayenne into powder for encapsulation, they wreck it. If you are not careful when you powder herbs, you can cook them by accident.
"There's no other herb that increases your blood flow faster than cayenne. There are none that work faster; none that work better."
BISER: I think you pushed cayenne more than anybody else.
SCHULZE: Yes, and here is the reason: There is no other herb stronger or more effective than cayenne to make immediate physiological and metabolic changes in the body.
Cayenne moves blood. Without bloodflow to sick areas, how can any herb work?
The whole idea of using any herb is to digest the chemicals in that herb and then get those chemicals into our bloodstream. That's what digesting is - but if we don't get that blood to the arthritic joint, or to the cancer tumor, or to the brain malignancy, or to the liver - then forget that herb.
You can take all the milk thistle you want, but if you have bad circulation to your liver, it's not going to do you any good. You can take all the ginkgo you want, but if you have bad circulation to your brain, the ginkgo is not going to be able to get up there either.
Cayenne turns your circulation on immediately within seconds, more thanany other herb, so really it should be in every herbal formula.
You know, a lot of people look at my brain tonic, and they go, "Well, it's hot. "That's because, if you want ginkgo in your brain, well, sit back for three hours and wait. Or, I can get ginkgo into your brain in one second - and that's why I added cayenne to the formula. [Editor This formula is given in Chapter Five./
"Ginkgo changes from a so-so herb to a mighty herb when you add strong hot cayenne to it."
BISER: How is ginkgo different with cayenne in it?
SCHULZE: I used ginkgo in my clinic and the results with just ginkgo alone were kind of like, "oh hum." I had one guy with tinnitus who said he felt betterand the tinnitus went away. I had some people that noticed some better memory; some were not quite as depressed - and it worked a little.
But it wasn't a super herb, and I wanted it to be a super herb. I was sitting around one day and I thought, "Well, I could put ginkgo in my mouth and chew on the leaves. I can drink an ounce of the ginkgo tincture and I don't see my face go red."
There is only one herb I know where I can visibly, immediately see more blood going to the head - band that is cayenne.
So I thought, "What about cayenne and ginkgo, that sounds like a dynamic duo. "I put cayenne with ginkgo, and I added some kola nut and some fresh rosemary to it. Rosemary is known for taking more blood to the head, and it also grows right outside my door. [The brain formula is given in Chapter Five.]
BISER: Okay, so what happened when you added the cayenne?
SCHULZE: Well, this is when the big change happened. I could hear it in the patients' responses.
A few complained about the heat of the new tonic, but they were all talking about how it worked better. The people who were depressed became alot less depressed. The people with tinnitus had it go away in three days instead of three months.
Once I added the cayenne, I had the opportunity to use the formula witha lot of people who had brain injuries or strokes. That is when it really stood out. It worked better than just the cayenne or the ginkgo by themselves. Nobody does this, and what could be a better dynamic duo than putting those two together?
BISER: What happened with Depression or memory, compared with what happened before?
SCHULZE: Very interesting. I had a number of patients get very depressed because of what the doctor told them, or because of their medical procedures or whatever. One of the things I had to do in myclinic was to combat Depression all the time. The ginkgo on its own was effective with maybe 20 percent of the patients, but the majority of them didn't notice a difference in their depression.
Putting the cayenne in with it, I would say I got up to about 95 percent immediately. It was quite astounding what the difference was.
Of course, it is a well known scientific fact today, and this is something that has only come out in the last couple years, that there is a small area in the center of the brain. When it atrophies; when it dries up and shrinks and has a lack of blood and oxygen to it, you becomemore depressed. Keeping the circulation going to that area inhibits depression. And increasing circulation is what cayenne is doing.
So ginkgo is a great herb for getting more blood and oxygen up there, but cayenne is the herb that takes it up there.
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