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--answer--Foot Soak review-- by moreless ..... Ask Moreless: pH Balance

Date:   1/27/2009 6:39:13 PM ( 16 y ago)
Hits:   7,071

Hi panoli,

Your question: is this different than the initial one you posted ie foot bath...with baking soda as well??

This was your original post

Enclosed is the Alkalizing foot bath recipe from the website which is no longer, til a new site may be reformated!

Alkalizing Foot Baths that Detoxify Acids!

The foot baths are particularly effective if you have any
problems with the lower half of the body or need to start
alkalizing slower because of chronic ill health.
Please refer to all notes and safety data as highlighted in
the Alkalizing Baths page before continuing.
For all the footbaths, you want a very hot water, as hot as
you can handle. It will be useful to have a kettle or flask
with hot water handy so you can pour more hot water into the
foot bath should it get cold.
You want another foot bath with ice cold water in (add some
ice cubes!)
You soak for several minutes in the hot, then alternate with
cold for a minute and continue alternating like this several
times. Take around 30 minutes of soaking for full benefits.
Always end with cold.
FOOT BATH 1 with H2O2 (Hydrogen Peroxide):
* 4 Tablespoons Epsom Salts (Magnesium Sulphate)
* 2 Tablespoons of Sodium Bicarbonate (Baking Soda)
* Hydrogen Peroxide (H2O2) - half to 1 pint of 3% solution OR
0.75 - 1.5 ounces of 35% solution

FOOT BATH 2 with Calcium Hydroxide
* 4 tablespoons of Magnesium sulphate (Epsom Salts)
* 1 tablespoon of Calcium hydroxide Powder (MUST be diluted
FOOT BATH 3 with Apple Cider Vinegar
* 4 Tablespoons of Magnesium sulphate (Epsom Salts)
* 1 cup of Apple Cider Vinegar

Answer: Here is the post you are asking about:

Hi Ya'll,

For those whom are not able to do the Full Bath Soaks, it may Greatly help if one may do the Foot Soaks?

I want to update and Clarify, if I have not as of lately, the mix for foot soaks:

Into a foot tub add 1 pint of 3% peroxide in warm water to start with for those in Poor health. As one Improves one may add Hotter water and may alternate in a tub of ice water?

The peroxide is the Basic ingredient to which one may add 1-2 Tablespoonful of Epsom Salt.

If after using this soak for several hours each day ones feet get Dry, then one may add 1-2 tablespoonful of ACV to help moisturize the skin again.

Smile Tis your choice.

Answer: This last post should be the basic foot soak recipe for folks to start with, as it should work for everyone and give Positive results for everyone?

The original recipes from the website that used Baking Soda and or Calcium Hydroxide with the Peroxide and Epsom Salt may not work for everyone?

This last foot soak recipe should work for everyone and then one may try the addition of the other ingredients after one studies WHY the Baking Soda and or Calcium Hydroxide may be used and for whom?

I have made many past posts trying to explain WHY Baking Soda may help in some conditions and WHY Calcium Hydroxide may help, but also WHY using too much Calcium Hydroxide may make one have more problems?

Originally I did not mention using Calcium Hydroxide because of the fear that folks would use too much and get into trouble, and some folks did get into trouble when they used too much as I had told them not to do !

Cause and Effect !

Smile Tis your choice.


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