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Re: Countdown to 2012 by rudenski ..... F.Y.I. Forum

Date:   1/16/2009 7:14:47 AM ( 16 y ago)
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ummm hmmmm

The gut instinct through this time will be fear but if we are to embrace the change we need only smile and jump on the spears of those who will be running around thinking of themselves as antiheroes like mad max and forming militias, shooting brown people looking for food. I am so ready for the change and still while the change is coming, I see that if we are alive and in the transition to the fifth world, there is a reason to be at least prepared to be of service to those around us. Having some food stored and natural cures can give one a way to be of service and useful to others. Having a source of clean water or a way of cleaning contaminated water could be of benefit to ourselves and those around us as well. Hording though to save our own necks without using whatever we having the intent to help out our greater community is certain to make us paranoid.

Skills that build community such as plant identification and the ability to dig wells is a way that one can be of benefit to peaceable people through the change. The ability to heal and grow food in less than hospitable conditions could also be a benefit to the community we live in. I can live without food and water and know that there is no sting in death but it is harder to let the little ones in our lives hunger and thirst. My elders, during the great depression, skipped many meals so their children could eat. When they had extra food, they shared with the hungry.

With some food, we will be less prone to be herded into refugee camps and treated as animals. Hording and boarding up to keep the animals at bay is the exact fearful energy that will draw other fearful people toward us. Keeping a joyful spirit through the change and not following after fear mongering leaders to me will separate us from those who will not re-emerge in the less dense earth. If we are killed by mobs of hungry brown people or our provisions are stolen by wannabe mad max's and starve then we can still emerge in the next world as fearless creations of light. If we have built a loving community of mutual respect for one another that is not a trigger happy militia then we still could survive with our souls' intact. So many that know the change is coming are loading up guns and ammunition but should instead be preparing their vessels and those around us to show others dignity through the transition. I would have hoped better for those in the natural healing community then what I have read in these communities of healing.

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