Yes, my friend, it is frustrating to say the least to see such ignorance and trolling at a site like Natural News for cripes sake!
One of my favorite examples so far is this one:
Have any of these claims been tested? Have these herbs that cure cancer been tested in double-blind studies? A cure for cancer would probably be hailed as the greatest and most beneficial medical advance since penicillin and the company that creates it would make fantastic profits as well as being remembered forever for creating said cure. You really believe the medical industry is dragging their feet on this?
Where to even begin? Maybe someone could point out to him that:
Each herb, supplement and food item in my protocol would have to be tested individually, at a cost of hundreds of millions each in order to get FDA approval - and none of them could be patented to ever hope to recover costs that are only affordable - by design I believe - by the Big Pharma companies.
A cure for cancer, of which several natural ones have already been discovered, would be either suppressed and persecuted or else bought out and shelved or adulterated due to the threat it would represent to the almost 400 Billion Dollar annual take by the cancer industry. Drugs, agencies and companies alike would have their very existence threatened.
During the half century of tremendous technoogical advances when we have gone from black and white TV's with e channels to big screen plasma sets with hundreds, from house sized computers to one that fit in your hand, from propeller planes to supersonic jets, moon landings and mars roversm from vinyl monoral records to MP3 and MP4 players and yet mainstream cancer medicine still consists of the barbaric and failed cut out, burn out and poison out the symptoms treatments for cancer while more people are getting and dying from cancer worldwide each year . . . uh yeah, you might say that medical industry has drug their feet all the way to the bank!