Re: Unchartered waters ...Bernanke's next move? by blubruddah ..... Ask Trapper
Date: 1/5/2009 8:26:35 PM ( 16 y ago)
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We have a liquidity freeze for the average Joe
Thats what all the gassing is about
And to be fair we had a corporate liquidity freeze also, until "We the pwople bailed them the bad managers with tax favortism" out
I'm not sure who your expert is, but the lquidity freeze got some bad debt out, a couple of corps have written it off in 2008 - if they do not they are under the reorg gun
As a overall comment on our "free" markets we have been tinkering with all of the
1. Trading limits- if these had not been established we would have seen a sell off in 2000 to be sure, and before that time
2. Housing bubbles, c'mon when your house value doubles and triples in under 5 years, someone should be asking some important questions about appraisals and buyer qulaifications
3. Real Estate Securitization, Once the mortgage debt is "packaged" into a pool (and rated by lender ability to pay) and sold off to investors the bank has no skin in the game to keep loans "on the books"
There have not been free markets for some time
I could see Eisenhauer today
Be careful of the large financial insititutions...AND the military industrial complex
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