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Re: Spinal Muscular Atrophy by Dr Mom ..... Ask Dr Mom: Ask Sandra K. Ellis M.H.

Date:   12/30/2008 9:52:08 AM ( 16 y ago)
Hits:   5,075

One of the first questions I would have - can the child eat or drink anything or is he on a feeding tube? Are there any other defects - such as in the organs?

If this is stricly a nerve problem, I would be using everything I could to feed those nerves. One think that is essential to nerve development is the right kinds of oils - specifically flax oil, so I would make sure I was adding this to his diet. I would keep the majority of his diet 'live' with fresh green drinks, fresh fruit juices, etc. Any milk I used would be fresh goats milk with the live enzymes still intact (this is the closest milk we have to human milk). If you have access to fresh breast milk - that would be even better. I would do fresh wheat grass implants to get the live enzymes, oxygen, alkalinity and life of the wheat grass as close to the spinal cord as I possibly could.

Herbally, I would probably use a product called Christopher's B&B formula - this is a tincture made from blue and black cohosh which is very specific for rebuilding the sheath around the nerves. I might put some warm drops in his ears a couple of times a day and then rub it into the spine several times per day. I would also use a product called BF&C oil mixed with some cayenne oil to rub into the spine.

Essential oils: Gary Young recommends - "Single oils: Franincense, helichrysum, oregano, sage, juniper, rosemary, clove, cardamom, vitex . . . DILUTE 50-50, 1-3 drops on brain reflex points on forehead, temples and mastoids (just behind ears). Use a direct pressure application, massageing 6-10 drops of diluted oil from the base of the skull down the neck and down the spine. Put a few drops of the oil on a loofah brush and rub along the spine vigorously. (Always use a natural bristle brush, since the oils may dissolve plastic bristles.)"

Keep me posted, Dr Mom

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