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Re: FIBROMYALGIA NO MORE! MY STORY by jahyde ..... Guest Book

Date:   12/29/2008 3:03:40 PM ( 16 y ago)
Hits:   19,517

I am sure Dr. xxxxxxx has done a lot of good for many people, but now i question some of his methods, and his truthfulness.

My sister went to dr. xxxxxx in 2007 after many years of trouble with fibromyalgia which started in the mid-90s. He built a master plan that would cure all her ailments.

My sister spent years researching her problem, and has tried all kinds of herbals and conventional medicines, consulted with many, many doctors only to gain nothing. After being fooled by dr xxxxxx and loosing nearly everything she owned, and only gaining more severe pain my sister committed suicide.

I and many in my family were very skeptical before she started this procedure and we researched dr xxxxxxx and found nothing but dozens of online postings of how good his process was and how many people he cured.

Dr. xxxxxxx plan involved removal of all her teeth, because a few mercury Amalgam fillings will spread and infect all teeth, chelation, the liver cocktail and herbal supplements. His estimate for the procedure was $20,000. My sister paid this and started down this road of disaster. She went to Dr. xxxxxx preferred dentist in Tijuana, Mexico (dr xxxxxx is NOT LICENSED to practice medicine in the US); there she had all her teeth removed, and went through the various purifying treatments. 6 months after the procedure she still had no relief, and dr. xxxxxxx insisted that she keep on with her regiment of herbals to aide in the purification process.

What he never told her upfront was that his herbal regiment alone would cost $3000-4000 per month. He insisted that she buy the herbs from a particular company (to which he had no ties), because any others costing less would be considered generic and not strong/pure enough. Later we found out that Dr. xxxxxxxx resides on the corporate board of this herbal supplier - hmmmmmm.

My sister foreclosed on her home trying to keep up with her herbal treatment, and her pain only got worse. dr barton's dentist made a set of dentures for my sister but this was not a part of the all-inclusive package either, and she never received them because they cost too much.

Now this is what kicks me off - I actually lived in Mexico, and my wife is from Mexico, so I know what dental work costs in mexico - its easily 10% of what it would normally cost in the US. My wife had 12 mercury fillings replaced with porcelain at a dentist in mexico, which required several seperate visits, it cost $600 without insurance - in the US I am sure this would cost many thousands of dollars even with insurance. I recommended a friend of mine go to a mexican dentist after being quoted $4500 to replace 2 of his front teeth which had been knocked out in an accident - the entire procedure was $300 in mexico.

So I question dr bartons procedure and its cost - we asked if she could go to another dentist in mexico to lower the overall cost of his plan, and he said any other dentist would not know how to properly remove the teeth to prevent additional Amalgam from leaking into the gums during the procedure and cuase her more pain. Obviously dr. xxxxxx was pocketing a large amount of this dental cost, and my sisters pain increased severely even after using his dentist who supposedly "knew how to prevent that like no other dentist would."

I wondered before my sister started this procedure why Dr. xxxxx was not allowed to practice medicine in the US, I now know why - he is untruthful, and makes a very good living at risking the health of others. And there are many postings like the previous, many of which look to be done by a professionaly marketing company.

After nearly a year my sister could no longer take the pain, was completely spent physically and financially, and she took her own life. I post this here to make sure that others know of the possible risk they are taking. If you are not prepared to spend $70-$100,000 on this process in Mexico for a *possible* cure, that may in truth worsen your condition, then save yourself and look for other alternatives.

My sister was a wonderful person that should have had years of life to enjoy with her husband, daughter and granddaughter, but because of dr. xxxxxx risky medicine we have lost her.


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