Re: Ionic detoxification foot bath scam explained by a manufacturer by vetpro ..... Quackery Debate Forum
Date: 12/17/2008 1:43:21 PM ( 17 y ago)
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I have been reading about this machine because I would like to know more about it and then I find this idiotic statement about Republicans. Obviously you are an unschooled poster. Your statement about evolution is unclear to me and would like to know why you put this nonsense in here. Yes, evolution is just a theory that is confusing the crap out of our students today. The fact that nothing comes from something is ubsurd or that our universe does not expand, both are what scientist say and they turn around and say neither is possible. WOW, what are they teaching our kids! Just keep the comments centered around Ionic Detoxification. I dont care to read some mumble-jumble about your personal beliefs
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