Re: Making lime water by Will_I_Ever_Learn ..... Ask Moreless: pH Balance
Date: 12/17/2008 9:27:11 AM ( 17 y ago)
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Hi cinnamonbear
BSM is a very important ingredient of the Moreless alkalizing drink. See Links below for most info on BSM.
Kelp provides for trace minerals that you will hardly find elsewhere.
The idea of the ML drink is to provide for “a buffet” of minerals, that will help to re-mineralization.
As for the lime powder. Here's what I do. I prepare a 1 gallon of the lime water. From which I refill a bottle. When I refill the bottle, I must steer the 1 gallon before so that the powder that lies in the bottom is mixed uniformly. For my drinks, I shake my bottle than I fill my Tablespoon.
So, it appears that not of all of the powder is dissolved in the original solution. When some “excess” lime is put in your drink, you put that “excess” in a cup of water. Therefore, that excess is no longer an “excess” because you dilute 1 tbs of solution in one cup of water.
A closer look at the ML drink
Benefits of BSM
Usage of BSM
Molasses is an extremely nutritious by-product of the sugar refining process. Sweet Molasses is useful as an alternative sweetener to refined cane sugar. Both Blackstrap Molasses and Sweet Molasses are extremely rich sources of minerals and vitamins. Those nutrients that are unharmed by heat are 30 times more concentrated in molasses than in the original cane juice.
¤ One tablespoon of Molasses contains more calcium than a glass of milk (+/- 100 milligrams)
¤ One tablespoon of Molasses contains more iron than nine eggs (+/- 3 milligrams)
¤ Blackstrap molasses contains more potassium than any food
¤ Molasses contains an excellent supply of B Vitamins
¤ It is a good source of natural sugars.
¤ It is an alkali-forming food, beneficial for maintaining a proper acid-alkali balance in the body.
¤ Molasses is also rich in phosphoric acid. If this and potassium are deficient, a general breakdown of the cells, especially of the nerves and brain, can occur. (3)
¤ Molasses is also rich in copper, magnesium, chromium, manganese, molybdenum, zinc, phosphorous, Pantothenic acid, vitamin E and Inositol. Refined sugar contains none of these nutrients.
From a nutritional point of view, crude or black-strap molasses, which is only mildly sweet and not too palatable, is preferable to sweet molasses.
See composition and nutritional analysis below:
Suggestion: The benefits of molasses can be greatly increased by combining it with other foods that are rich in B Vitamins such as brewer's yeast and wheat germ.
If informed nutritionists had their way, a jar of sweet molasses would stand on every table, to be used as a spread or sweetener.
¤ Energy Drink: Dissolve 1 tablespoon Sweet Molasses in 1 cup lukewarm water or milk; children should use half this amount.
¤ Spread: Mix together equal parts molasses and natural honey.
¤ Baking: Molasses can be used as an ingredient in cakes, pies and cookies to improve their nutritional value.
¤ To Relieve Mild Constipation: Take two teaspoons at bedtime.
¤ Nerve Tonic: Blend together 1 cup fresh milk, 1 Tbsp seedless raisins and 2 teaspoons blackstrap molasses. (3)
¤ Night Cap: Blend together 1 cup warm milk, 1 tsp honey, 2 tsp molasses, 1 tsp brewer's yeast. Sip slowly just before bed time. (3)
Healing Benefits: The greatest advantage of molasses is its ability to conveniently supplement the diet of the busy twenty-first-century citizen with easily assimilated natural nutrients. Like most things natural, its effects are slow but cumulative and, as such, it should be used regularly.
In his book about Molasses, the British nutritionist, Cyril Scott, describes his own and other healer's successes in treating anemia, rheumatism, arthritis, ulcers, colitis, varicose veins and benign tumors. Scott testifies to the success of molasses in reversing hair graying and even in the external treatment of wounds. Gaylord Hauser, the well-known nutritionist and author, particularly praises molasses as a natural laxative. Because molasses is high in iron, nutritionists often recommend it to pregnant and lactating women.
Molasses is one of the two natural foods which contain a special ingredient (wulzen factor) that has been shown to prevent and cure wrist-stiffness, muscular dystrophy and arthritis. (1)
Ulcers, dermatitis, hair damage, eczema, psoriasis, angina pectoris, and nervous conditions may also respond to supplementing the diet with mineral-rich molasses. (2)
Because of deficiencies in their traditional diet, black Africans are especially benefited by the inclusion of molasses in the diet.
While molasses should never be used as a crutch, some of the deleterious effects of cane sugar (which is sometimes unavoidable - especially when dining with friends) may be partly overcome by taking molasses soon after eating refined cane sugar. This provides the body with the nutritive elements that are lacking in cane sugar and helps to ward off some of the negative effects of cane sugar.
Dosage: In general the recommended daily dosage is 1 tablespoon dissolved in warm water or taken as is.
Cautions: Molasses should not be thought of as an all-purpose cure but as a useful weapon in the healing armory. Like sugar, molasses can cause tooth decay, so either clean your teeth or rinse your mouth thoroughly after use, especially if you take it straight from a spoon.
(1) Complete Nutrition, Dr Michael Sharon, p75-76
(2) Nutritional Almanac, Levonne Dunne, p.249
(3) Whole Energy, Caryl Vaughn-Scott, p.80
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