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Re: Bet H(unpronounceable) is an MD! LOL! by Xenia Bea ..... Ask Moreless: pH Balance

Date:   12/12/2008 8:18:52 AM ( 17 y ago)
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That so funny You would say that! (Bet H(unpronounceable) is an MD! LOL!)

When this guy (H) appeard on the moreless forum, I remembered him from his attacks on a person at the MS forum.
I also wrote a response here.
Anyway, I had my husband read his garbage, I usually don't do that, but this time I did.
He said the same thing!
That he thinks H. is an MD, frustrated though, but he sounds like one.

And I am personally very turned off from his writing, because it took a lot out of me just to get over the diagnosis of MS. To develope a positive attitude, You know.

In 2000 I got diagnosed with Hepatitis C. I am mentally strong, but through the Interferon treatment I developed MS.
After fighting off one disease I got instantly confronted with the next "uncurable" thing. That killed off my "You can do anything, if You really want" spirit.
Ever since being diagnosed with MS in 2005 I have a big struggle to build up BELIEVE.
I am talking about really believing I can be healed.
Not just saying it.
It has to be believed at the bottom of Your heart, and You cannot fake it.
You can fake it, but then it does not do anything.

Anyway, when I read people like H. I am so appaled, because first of all he might not even be a person who seeks healing.
But more importantly, he might hurt someone, who is building up his BELIEVE towards healing and throws him right back into desperation.


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