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--Adrenals--Depression--Low Blood Sugars-- by moreless ..... Ask Moreless: pH Balance

Date:   12/9/2008 7:06:25 PM ( 17 y ago)
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Hi Ya'll,

Depression may come upon folks because their body is too Acidic and thus has
Lost it's ability to Stablize it's Blood Sugar Levels properly , thus one is on
the Top of the mountain for one moment and then Falls down into the Depths of
the Valley of Hell below the next minute !

Depression may run in Families because they all eat the same Sorry Diet, which
has Caused them "ALL" to become too Acidic and have Blood Sugar problems !

A person cannot be Depressed if their Blood Sugar Levels is up and Stablized
properly !

Did you never see folks at work who after they had their Sugar fix during Break
time would be Happy for awhile, til that Fix ran out and they needed the next
Sugar Fix ?

Depression is related to Low Blood Sugars !!!!!!!!!

And the Adrenal Glands need Natural Sodium to help control the Blood Sugar
levels in the body and the Adrenal Glands are Sick and Diseased, when one has
Blood Sugar problems, and for them to Recover the Adrenal Glands may need what
Kelp may supply them, in order for them to find Recovery so the body can
overcome Low Blood Sugar problems ?

Cause and Effect !

"WE" are What "WE" Eat !

Smile Tis your choice.


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