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Re: time for me to go on meds- tried all alternatives- PLEASE help! by Hveragerthi ..... AIDS & HIV Forum

Date:   12/5/2008 12:11:36 AM ( 17 y ago)
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Viral load (polymerase chain reaction) is a joke. It is not a diagnostic tool but rather a sales tool. Viral load cannot detect a particular virus, nor determine viral activity.

HIV antibody tests are also a joke. They are notoriously inaccurate, having over 65 KNOWN causes for false positives.

Another common misconception is that AIDS is a disease. It is not a disease, it is a syndrome acquired immune deficiency SYNDROME. Syndromes are not diseases but rather a group of symptoms. Anything causing those symptoms can give a diagnosis of AIDS. In other words there is more than one cause of AIDS. To make matters worse the HIV virus cannot cause AIDS under the original definition. Gallo lied to the world again when he claimed that HIV was the cause of AIDS. He had already been busted for scientific fraud before making this outrageous claim. And he was about to be exposed again as a fraud. Being one of the government's top scientists he was about to majorly embarrass the government AGAIN. So the government had to find a way to cover up his lie before he was exposed again. So the government expanded the definition of AIDS symptoms to include the drop in CD4 counts below 200 since this is the ONLY thing the HIV virus could do to humans. So why did Gallo lie? Because he held the patent rights on the HIV test. So as long as he could convince the world of his lie he was making a fortune. So Gallo's lie stuck and people bought in to it without question. The only virus that can cause AIDS under the original definition is human herpes virus type 6-variant A (HHV6-A), which unlike HIV can collapse the immune system. The other common cause of AIDS is the drugs used to treat AIDS. In particular the drug AZT, which destroys the bone marrow leading to a complete collapse of the immune system. This is why the largest study ever done of AZT, the Concorde Study, found that AZT actually shortened the lives of AIDS patients rather than extending them.

If you are really infected with either HIV or HHV6-A then the most effective herbs for combating these viruses are pau d' arco, chaparral, and andrographis, especially when combined.


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