IONIZED WATER vs Mineral Redox Water by San2006 ..... Structured Water Support Forum
Date: 12/2/2008 12:57:21 PM ( 17 y ago)
Hits: 2,924
A WI separates Water into Acidic and Alkaline streams using electrolysis. The Cations ( Ca, Mg etc) move towards cathode (-ve electrode) and Anions ( Chloride, Sulphate etc) move towards Anode(+ve electrode). The Anode and Cathode are separated by a porous membrane, which allows ions to pass through.
I was wondering if drinking only alkaline water, we shall lose the beneficial effects of all Anions.
A WI uses DC current in the electrolysis of water.
I read about "Mineral Redox Water" . It also produces -ve ORP water rich in Hydrogen. It however uses AC current instead of DC current. The Anode and Cathode are not separated by porous membrane in this case. Sounds interesting to me.
By using (A) and (B) electrodes of alternative current with a ground connection electrode at the bottom makes ORP voltage of water down. There are very few mineral dissolved in tap water so condensed minerals extracted from ocean floor is to be added. In a half hour, ORP measures ?150 mV, an hour later ?300 mV, and 3 hours later ?600 mV. By adding minerals it makes possible to produce lower ORP water lasting longer time. One of characteristics of the method is to use alternative current that makes much difference on chemical reaction between molecules. Running alternative current in (A) and (B) electrodes simultaneously, the electrodes switch plus and minus electrons back and forth. Plus electrons of hydrogen molecules go to minus electrode and minus electrons of oxygen go to plus electrode once. But soon electrode current switches them around, then the water molecules will be directed the other way. Thus, electrons of water molecules will be electrolyzed by stirring themselves in water. Ground connection itself stays in low voltage. From either (A) or (B) electrode, whichever higher voltage starts electrolyzing molecules to move to lower voltage electrode. Then water molecules stirring themselves to produce active hydrogen. As a result, without separating acid or alkaline water it produces pH neutral reduced water with both plus and minus ions being mixed. This is very important in terms of keeping minus ions in water which works beneficial for health. During stirring process of water, other contaminants and organic matters will be also decomposed and precipitated. At the same time dissolved minerals that was oxidized will be reduced as well to make them easily absorbed in our body
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