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Re: 7th day adventist diet info by mo123 ..... Ask Dr. Sutter

Date:   12/2/2008 12:39:03 PM ( 17 y ago)
Hits:   1,772

Has there been any research?

Since 1954 more than 250 articles have been published in scientific journals on the Seventh-day Adventist lifestyle and health. In the 1960s, Loma Linda University, in cooperation with the National Cancer Institute, began to study the health of SDAs. Later, in the 1970s and 1980s, data on the Seventh-day Adventist lifestyle was collected and analyzed under contract with the National Institutes of Health.
SDAs in general, have 50% less risk of heart disease, certain types of cancers, strokes, and diabetes. More specifically, recent data suggests that vegetarian men under 40 can expect to live more than eight years longer and women more than seven years longer then the general population. SDA vegetarian men live more than three years longer than SDA men who eat meat.

Researchers believe this added length of life and quality of health is due in particular to the consumption of whole grains, fruits and vegetables as well as the avoidance of meat, alcohol, coffee and tobacco.

Current evidence demonstrates that the more closely a person follows the lacto-ovo-vegetarian diet the lower the risks of major diseases.

What does current research demonstrate?

1. Vegetarians have reduced risks of certain diseases because of their increased consumption of whole grains, dried beans, nuts, fresh and dried fruits, and vegetables. Vegetarians are exposed to fewer carcinogens and mutagens because they do not eat meat.

2. Fruits, vegetables, grains, legumes, and nuts are often less expensive than meat. Plant foods use fewer natural resources from the environment.

3. Vegetarians typically enjoy a great variety of plant based foods, international and ethnic dishes.

4. A significant correlation exists between the frequent and long term consumption of high-fat, high-cholesterol animal based foods and the incidence of fatal heart disease, certain types of cancer, strokes, and diabetes.

5. A vegetarian diet provides a greater consumption of phytochemicals and fiber rich foods which help protect from heart disease, several types of cancer, diabetes and hypertension.


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