Glad to, Pursuinghealing by fledgling ..... Ask Humaworm: Parasites
Date: 11/25/2008 2:59:29 PM ( 17 y ago)
Hits: 2,834
When I mixed all the 'in-betweens' together (big mistake! - I think it was the cloves) I noticed that all the weights of the packages I bought (at the health food store) were 50 grams.
A lightbulb went on over my head.
"Aha," sez I.
"All the daily doses of each herb/spice are 1/4, if I mix them all together (without garlic and onion, which we use fresh nearly every day), the daily dose of the 5 remaining powdered ones will be 5 x 1/4 teaspoon, which equals 1 1/4 tsp. of the mixture, per person (2), in food."
I noticed that one herb was coarser than the others...was it the thyme? So that went into the blender to make a powder.
Then all went into a bowl for mixing, and ended up in a nice covered glass cannister I was proud to leave on my kitchen counter.
There it sits in each of the three houses we have lived in since I made it.
It doesn't taste very good, certainly not nice enough to serve to my husband. Sometimes I'll put a spoonful in a big pot of vegetable soup, where it isn't noticeable with all the other things I add to 'kick it up a notch'.
I have often added pinches to my salads (dh doesn't care for salad much), and other things I make whimsically.
The jarful is now down to about 1/4 of the couple of cups I started with. Gelatin capsules don't agree with me, so I don't disguize it that way.
But, be darned if I'll flush the stuff! ...Not when it does a body so much good!
As you can see, I am not regular in my consumption of the 'in-betweens'.
If I were to separate the five into two glass cannisters, there would be two in one (1/2 tsp. daily per person), and three in the other (3/4 tsp. daily per person)...but, as surely as God made little green apples, I would only eye-ball fat pinches. I am just that kind of a cook; and a nurse...though he loves me anyway.
Dh does a lot of cooking, too, and he never touches the stuff I mixed up.
Any 'mixing' of the 'in-betweens' you do, should be based on equal weights of the ingredients you use...then take 1/4 tsp. daily, per person, for each of the herbals/spices you put in the mixture.
Does that make sense to you?
I kind of doubt that anyone in R.G.'s family does a lot of measuring of the 'in-betweens'...unless someone is seriously ill...which I don't think happens a lot in their family.
Perhaps the measuring is only a 'rule of thumb' many households whip up, say, pancake batter, 'out of their heads'...very familiar with how much of each ingredient they prefer.
An aside: We found we were packing around a jar of cinnamon sticks we had only used once. So we stuck them in the blender to powder. (Very noisy, and takes quite a while!)
We ended up with the richest-tasting, sweetest, powdered cinnamon either of us have ever tasted! AND, it is still the best, one and a half years later!
Fresh ground is one of the secrets of the spice industry, it seems. I guess that's why they sell those tiny nutmeg graters...though I'll wear safety gloves if I ever try it, or pop a nutmeg in an old blender until I get enough powder off of it. Those things are HARD!
Nutmeg is hard on the brain, too, they don't put in too much.
I wonder what nutmeg would do to parasites...just a sprinkle, once in a while.
Hope something here helps, Pursuinghealing.
Oh yes! I leave the lid off the jar when I want to smell up the kitchen nice. ...When hubby is likely to come through with the comment, "Fish!"
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