Re: Desperate... by detox queen ..... Liver Flush Support Forum
Date: 11/24/2008 1:57:35 AM ( 17 y ago)
Hits: 2,559
Hi, I know I might upset many. But I have been flushing almost everyday since last May which is about 6 months ago. I still get stones. I accidentally started flushing by doing a diet. It tells you to take a spoonful of olive oil on an empty stomach and drink a warm Sugar water. I tried it but I wasn't losing any weight so I increased the OO (Olive-Oil) and Sugar water intake and started letting out bunch of green stones. I thought it was something I ate but after a while I remembered pictures of Gallstones I saw on line while back so I started searching on line and figured I was losing stones. I know there is a recipe and you are suppose to do it every two weeks but i wasn't harmed in any way other than being tired so I kept it up. Just drink drink OO (Olive-Oil) before bed after eating and doing everything regular. I take OO (Olive-Oil) and chase it with any drink I like including diet coke. I do coffee enema to relieve any extra fatigue and it really helps in many many ways. Without coffee enema Liver-Flush is just too harsh and exhausting to my body. I frequently wonder when I will be stone free. But I remember how long I have been accumulating all the gunk. It is a long journey. Right now I am doing the egg yolk, lime, and oil flush. You can do this one everyday also. I saw this EASIER way to Liver-Flush message in this support forum and this is my 3rd day trying it. It is giving me nausea but I know from experience that more sick I get the more stuff comes out next few days. I experienced all kinds of discomfort. I had the pressure pain in my colon for a while in the beginning, pain under my rib cage for over a month although I was flushing everyday and doing coffee enema, lung pains for over 2months but released a lot of mocus after sticking with it, I had kidney pains for a while and it dispeared. I had all kinds of healing crisis. It was scary at times but it always went away with rewards. I am not close to being done. Some people do few Liver-Flush and are free and clear but I have so much.
I wonder why people are so afraid of flushing aften. I guess everyone's different and maybe it could be bad for you. I just wanted to add my experience. Oh, you can try to increase your OO dosage because I always get more things out if I drink more. Although one time I drank like 2and 1/2 cups and threw up some which I really wanted to hold down because I know I can get lot out. That was crazy though. I got really sick. I also tried adding Blessed herbes Gallbladder/ liver rejuvenator while I drank OO at night. I know it sounds extreme but I keep on getting stuff out. It got me very tired though.
I don't mean to offend anyone. I am just writing my experience. I am not even trying to say this is a good method. Just another experience. So please don't try to debate with me.
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