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Re: Head Cold - Can I flush? by knows ..... Ask Dr. Sutter

Date:   11/23/2008 12:19:52 PM ( 17 y ago)
Hits:   1,351

Yeah, go ahead and flush. It'll hasten the demise of the cold. I've got a bit of a cold myself right now. Got chilled to the bone the other day. Yeah, I know better. I blame it on being a man. Sometimes we just do stupid things.

Hot spicy stuff, and the Zapper. A Cold should last three days, that's it. First day - runny nose, drip, drip, drip. Second day - sneezin and wheezin, blowin and blowin. Third day - Feels like you gotta sneeze all the time, eyes water up, still blowin and blowin. Fourth day - gone. Got the sore nose though. Use Puffs Plus with the aloe vera, minimizes the nose soreness.


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