Re: Zymex II by UserX ..... Ask Dr. Sutter
Date: 11/5/2008 4:44:23 PM ( 17 y ago)
Hits: 5,701
Since I have been doing this program for over a year, I'll give you some things that might help you. First, I discovered I had to take the Zymex ll in between meals on an empty stomach because the Zymex ll is a digestive enzyme and will digest food rather than the tapeworms if you don't take it away from food. I had 3 of the big, beef tapeworms and many of the miniature tapeworms. The big tapeworms came out with most of their tails digested and the contents of their heads digested. I could see their "teeth" upon examining their remains. When I started taking the Barefoot dewormer, it made them mad and they really started biting. I could feel where these suc***s were attached to my intestines. Sooo, I did 3 rounds of the Zymex ll and killed them all off. I could feel it when they let go of where they were attached in my intestines, too! What a relief! So, again, if you have tapeworms, you can probably feel them biting and letting go when they die, too. I took 2 capsules of the Zymex ll in the morning, one at noon, and 2 in the evening for 8 days, took a rest for 8 days and then repeated the process. This product also killed a lot of the other worms in my intestines.
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