Re: Paul and Autoimmune Expert by golfeggs ..... Oxygen Therapies Support Forum
Date: 10/26/2008 11:44:14 PM ( 17 y ago)
Hits: 6,760
I'm not ignoring your posts and I can tell you know a lot about the human body and ozone. What I see as a problem is that you seem to get caught up in the meaningless things like ploysaccharides, microbial triggers, 12 forms of anemia, 120 differnt kinds of Arthritis. Anemia is Anemia and Arthritis is Arthritis. Just like cancer is cancer. Only the location and speed changes in cancer. My wife had cancer in the liver, kidney, breast, intestines and bile duct (18 tumors total) and it didn't matter in the least bit where it was, or what "type" it was, it got cured; and that was after doctors told her twice that she had 6-12 months.
And to me it seems like you get caught up in treating or worrying about symptoms, not the root causes. You talk about microbial triggers like they're the cause for some disease when they aren't. What's causing the triggers? That's what I'm saying, follow the trail back to the root cause and it always goes back to poor nutrition for one reason or another and too many toxins from one source or another, unless it's some kind of birth defect. A lot of autoimmune problems are caused by taking antacids and/or Antibiotics . (toxins) They cause food to be poorly digested (poor nutrition) and when undigested food gets sent through the system the body can't do anything with it or doesn't know what to do with it and attacks it like a foreign object like a virus. Simply drinking too many liquids while eating can cause this too because the enzymes in the saliva aren't breaking down the food before it enters the stomach and causes problems all the way through the rest of the system and eventually back to the stomach and mouth again.
By the way, the things I said in the original post aren't my words, they're from people who have more experience than the both of us, so you're not disputing what I say, but what they say.
I guess the other problem I have is that you attack others who don't have the same "experience" you do. DQ didn't attack you and I didn't attack you. We simply wrote what we know to be true and had you telling us we're wrong because of meaningless problems you preceive are important when they aren't. To me it seems you can't see the forest for the trees, branches and the leaves. That's a big problem with science. They like to divide, dissect and seperate so much they get lost and can't see the big picture any more. They can't see everything is linked like a chain in the body and in fact everything outside the body is linked too. There is no seperation, not even between you or I.
"You are as bad as he is when it comes to prejudging and reading only what you want. Have you read any of my posts on how to deal with autoimmunity naturally? Adrenal problems? Cancer? Hypertension? Hair loss? Or any of the other natural treatments I have explained to people?"
Go back and look. You didn't tell how to treat autoimmunity, you told DQ he was wrong. I see no post on Adrenal, hypertension or hair loss problems either. Where are they? In another forum?
I know people who have cured Arthritis, joint pain and muscle pain by bagging and funneling. I've removed athletes foot, rashes and age spots by funneling. My wife cured her asthma by breathing ozone. Her daughter was Anemic and cured it by simply eating better food. I know people who have cured taste problems by removing amalgums and drinking ozonated water or by simply drinking ozonated water. People have cured sinus problems by ear insufflations. Are you going to deny any of this?
I don't know if you realize how many diseases can be treated with ozone and good nutrition, but it's a lot. I've researched it and it's over 300. (Not my words but words from people like Ed McCabe, Peter Jovan, Dr. Pressman, the O3 - Ozone site and PubMed.)
I don't have a problem with you personally. I know you mean well and you have a vast knowledge. But why the "shut up and stop assuming about someone, and start paying attention to the fact that they are trying to help by educating people with the truth"? This is support forum and I was commenting on what you said, not what I assumed.
I'd like to see you use your knowledge for good use. The couple of posts you put in here on "how to" were good!
We both have the same goal here don't we? Maybe we can learn from each other and "Let those who want to really be educated in the truth enjoy their right". Right?
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