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Not really, Insight... by fledgling ..... Ask Humaworm: Parasites

Date:   10/17/2008 2:51:57 PM ( 17 y ago)
Hits:   976

The objective, I believe, is to keep the intake of the herbals on-going, twice every 24 hours.

...And away from food, which really does reduce the effectiveness. (That's why it is recommended no closer to food than 30 minutes before, and 2 hours after.)

But, these are NOT 'pills', as we have come to know 'pills'.

Humaworm, to me, is a rhythm.

Two or three times per year the body can expect relief and support that it needs.

One third of the Humaworm herbals help with elimination, gently encouraging the bowels; one third of the herbals help rebuild and support the organs; and one third of them kill parasites.

The body appreciates all three types of herbals.

If we were to simply kill parasites, and to leave their toxic bodies and the chemicals they release to an already tired and overtaxed elimination system, we could be in great difficulty.

Another thing we might consider is that in those four small capsules we take in a 24-hour period are 25 incredibly small amount of each! Perhaps only the amount of any one that could be piled on the letter 'O'.

And yet, the body can sort out the ingredients and send each where it is needed. That is amazing.

R.G. has said to keep the elimination flowing...removing toxins every day by drinking lots of water.

Since there are four organs of elimination...the skin, lungs, kidneys, and bowels...and since the skin eliminates more than the other three combined, I suggest baths, and more, starting when you first contemplate taking Humaworm....before your order arrives.

The finest and most helpful bath I know, is one in a 1% solution of Himalayan crystal mineral salts. It is like a swim in the cleanest ancient ocean.

To assist the lungs, breathe under trees, of course, and also gently take in a full breath, and slowly let it out in a longer time than you breathed it in.

I think the idea is to fully and gently empty the bottom of the lungs of any stale air left from the shallow breathing we all do most of the time...then we can't help but take in full breaths, and oxygenate ourselves.

The suggestion was that we take a few breaths like this at least twice a day.

Someone else suggested that we exhale fully and gently on the exertion of a when we lift something. That apparently causes the oxygen of the next inhale to go directly to the muscles tensed in the lifting...building their strength.

Small increases in the foods that assist bowel movements, and a little less of the foods that don't, may be helpful for smooth moves in the bathroom.

HumaCleanse is a good product, and it may be taken with Humaworm, if you wish.

Hu-Mana-Tea is wonderful...and may be taken anytime.

I've read that a three-day juice fast, of home-juiced veggies and fruits, is an excellent cleanser and rebuilder.

And we all know about 'an apple a day', of course.

My best,


P.S. A plain liver flush sometime before beginning a round of Humaworm, and/or a week or more after the round, seems to be very helpful...cleansing the bowels, too, as it does.

I believe the recipe is on the site


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